


I am currently using rails to serve static web pages and I am experimenting with NodeJs to handle some real time aspect of my application.


I have been able to have do a one way communication between Nodejs to my Rails server by having Nodejs write to a db and my rails server reading from it.


Now I want to do the other way, aka an action in Rails will trigger an action in Nodejs. Obviously I can be dumb and have a node continually polling the database server.


  1. 在两者之间设置RPC调用
  2. 双向设置TCP套接字


Are there easier/quicker options?


从技术上讲,您有很多方法可以使用进程间通信,如果您想轻松一点,我相信您应该看看 dnode 在TCP或命名管道上提供RPC,并且具有 ruby​​实现.使您进行RPC调用非常容易,并且由于它是TCP,因此您可以在计算机之间使用它.

Well technically you got a lot of ways for inter process communication, if you want something easy I believe you should have a look at dnode which provides RPC on TCP or named pipes and it has a ruby implementation. Making it very easy for you to do RPC calls and since it is TCP you can use it cross machines.

您也可以有一个消息队列,例如 zeromq ,但我认为这样做会产生不必要的开销.如果您有两个以上的进程互相交谈,那将是一件好事.

You can also have a message queue such zeromq, but I believe that will have unnecessary overhead. It would be good for cases that you have much more than two process talking to each other.


Beside all these if you want the minimum latency, if you're processes are both running on one machine, I believe you should use a named pipe and stdio for communication, but I don't know any module in node that will help you to abstract that, and you have to build your own RPC module on stdio.


08-28 04:33