I'm on a situation where I want to make some dom-node size calculations (top, bottom and size properties of the rendered DOM node)
我是什么现在正在做的,在 componentDidUpdate
What I'm doing right now, on the componentDidUpdate
method is to call findDOMNode on this:
componentDidUpdate() {
var node = ReactDOM.findDOMNode(this);
this.elementBox = node.getBoundingClientRect();
this.elementHeight = node.clientHeight;
// Make calculations and stuff
这个工作正常,但是我有点担心性能,并做出最佳实践。有几个地方讨论使用 ref
This is working fine, but I'm a bit worried about performance, and react best practices. Several places talks about using ref
property instead of findDOMNode, but all of them are for child dom elements, on my case I only want the root DOM node of my component.
The alternative using ref may look like this:
return (
<section // container
ref={(n) => this.node = n}>
// Stuff
componentDidUpdate() {
this.elementBox = this.node.getBoundingClientRect();
this.elementHeight = this.node.clientHeight;
// Make calculations and stuff
老实说,将ref回调附加到我的root dom节点只是为了得到它的参考对我来说感觉不正确。
To be honest, attaching a ref callback to my root dom node just to get it's reference does not feel correct to me.
What is considered the best practice on this case ? Which one has better performance ?
似乎比真正的选择更具窍门。裁判似乎是最好的选择。 实现了您在此处提供的相同草稿(使用 ref = {(n)=> this.node = n}
If I refer to the doc (https://facebook.github.io/react/docs/react-dom.html#finddomnode), findDOMNode
seems to be more a trick than a real option. The ref seems to be the best option. The doc implements the same draft you gave here (with the ref={(n) => this.node = n}