

我理解客户端和服务器端脚本之间的区别。我的 MasterPage 中有一个javascript函数和变量:

I understand the difference between Client-side and Server-side scripting. I have a javascript function and variable in my MasterPage:

<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
    var needToConfirm = false;
          window.onbeforeunload = confirmExit;
          function confirmExit()
            if (needToConfirm)
              needToConfirm = false;
              return "Currently in edit mode. If you leave the page now then you will lose unsaved changes."

鉴于在我的ASP.NET(客户端)上我可以更改我的值 needToConfirm 变量 true onClientClick 但默认情况下为false 。这是一个例子。

Given the fact that on my ASP.NET (Client-side) I can change the value of my needToConfirm variable to true onClientClick but by default it is false. Here's an example.

 <asp:Button ID="btnEdit" runat="server" Text="  Edit  " onclick="btnEdit_Click" OnClientClick="needToConfirm = true;" />

现在问题是在C#(服务器端)上我必须设置 needToConfirm if-statement 下为true,但不一定在 Page_Load

Now the question here is when on the C# (Server-side) I have to set the needToConfirm to true under an if-statement but not necessarily on Page_Load:

private void SetDefault()

    if (Session[def.ID_CUST] != null)
          //I want to change the variable value here



我' m使用.NET 2.0 Classic和WebForms

I'm using .NET 2.0 Classic and WebForms



ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, this.GetType(), "", "urFunction('urValHere');", true);

function urFunction(urParam) {
        //do what u want here
        //use urParam


08-22 20:43