本文介绍了C++ 分支递归结构?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I have the following. The struct is prototyped so it compiles fine.

struct vertexNodeInfo
    vector<vertexNodeInfo> node;


I'm trying to write an octree thingy. What I want to do is use a recursive function to continue adding a node to each node until I get down to a specific point, at which time the function, rather than adding another node, adds a leaf. I want to use no memory when there's no further node or leaf added if that's possible.


Maybe templates would help in this situation, but I'm not sure how to use them...


I don't think I've explained myself well. Here's a diagram:


I have no idea if what I'm asking for is impossible or too confusing to understand or just plain dumb, but I can't figure it out on my own. I'm sorry that I can't explain it any better.

我使用的是 C++98/03 (VC++2008) 并且不能使用 C++11


Any help at all would be much appreciated.


更好的解释:我想要一个数组一个数组一个数组一个数组的数据.内存使用在这方面非常重要(我存储了几百万个元素,因此单个字节会产生巨大的差异).每个数组可以再包含 8 个数组,但在我需要使用它之前,我希望每个数组都不使用内存.这是一个八叉树.

Better explanation: I want an array of an array of an array of an array of data. Memory usage is very important in this (I'm storing several million elements, so a single byte makes a huge difference). Each array can contain 8 more arrays, but until I need to use it I want each one of the arrays to use no memory. It's an octree of sorts.


这是另一个图表.它有点大,因此您可能需要右键单击它并选择在新标签中打开图像 以使其可读.

Here's another diagram. It's a little big, so you might need to right click it and select Open image in new tab to make it readable.


What I don't want are "brown" (red+green) boxes, where every box reserves memory for both more nodes and for the leaf data. That would use far too much memory for my needs.

这基本上就是我想要实现的目标,为简单起见,将其绘制为 2D:

This is basically what I'm trying to achieve, pictured as 2D for simplicity:



Without any (manual) heap allocation:

struct NodeInfo {
    int id;

using Tree = boost::make_recursive_variant<


I know variants come with their own "complexity", but memory locality is preserved and manual memory management avoided.

现在为了更接近您声明的优化目标,您可以使用 std::array 而不是 std::vector,或者可能只是让 vector 使用自定义的 allocator 从内存池中分配.

Now to get closer to your stated optimization goals, you could use std::array<T, 8> instead of the std::vector, or perhaps just make the vector use a custom allocator to allocate from a memory pool.

示例程序(参见在 Coliru 上直播):

Sample program (see it Live on Coliru):

#include <iostream>
#include <boost/variant.hpp>
#include <vector>

struct NodeInfo {
    int id;

using Tree = boost::make_recursive_variant<

// for nicer code:
using Branch = std::vector<Tree>;
using Leaf   = NodeInfo;

static std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, Leaf const& ni) {
    return os << ni.id;
static std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, Branch const& b) {
    os << "{ ";
    for (auto& child: b) os << child << " ";
    return os << "}";

int main()
    Branch branch1 {
        Leaf { 2 },
        Leaf { 1 },
        Branch {
            Leaf { 42 },
            Leaf { -42 },

    Tree tree = Branch { branch1, Leaf { 0 }, branch1 };

    std::cout << tree << "\n";


{ { 2 1 { 42 -42 } } 0 { 2 1 { 42 -42 } } }

(std::vector 之外的使用)

(outside the use of std::vector)

这篇关于C++ 分支递归结构?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-20 03:23