我们正在运行 Crystal Reports,它与我们的 VS2010 安装相关联.我已经很长时间没有看这个实例了,因为我们有一个专门的 Crystal 开发人员,但是他现在已经走了,我需要做一些改变.当我尝试在 VS2010 中打开 .rpt 文件时,我得到的只是垃圾,而不是带有 GUI 的 Crystal Report.我需要配置/安装什么才能在 VS2010 中看到这个?
We have Crystal Reports running and it is tied into our VS2010 installation. I have not looked at the instance in a long time because we had a devoted Crystal developer on board, however he is gone now and I need to make a few changes. When I try to open up the .rpt file in VS2010 all I get is garbage, not the Crystal Report with the GUI. What do I need to configure/install to get to see this inside VS2010?
当我转到我的 .rpt 文件并使用 Crystal Reports 对其进行编辑时,我得到一个白屏,其中充满了看似随机的 HEX 字符集和句点.我已经下载了 Visual Studio 的 CR,但它仍然会发生,是否需要在某处包含扩展?我的目标框架为 4.0,并且我的 web.config 中加载了 CrystalDecisions 程序集.
When I go to my .rpt file to edit it with Crystal Reports, I get a white screen filled with what appears to be random HEX character sets and periods. I have downloaded the CR for Visual Studio, however it still happens, is there an extension I need to include somewhere? I have my target framework as 4.0 and I have the CrystalDecisions assemblies loaded in my web.config.
这里是 VS 2010 的 SAP 链接...
Here is the SAP link for VS 2010...
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