如何从我的 Ubuntu 运行 3 个 cassandra 节点(实际上是一个集群)?我不想创建 3 个 VMWare/VirtualBox 实例,而是将每个 cassandra 节点配置为侦听不同的端口.安装一个 cassandra 可以吗?
How can I run 3 cassandra nodes (actually a cluster) from my Ubuntu? I don't want to create 3 instances of VMWare/VirtualBox but instead, configure each cassandra node to listen to a different port. Is that possible with one cassandra installation?
我想到的一个解决方案是安装 3 个本地 cassandra 并独立配置每个 cassandra.yaml,但实际上我更愿意通过我安装的 cassandra 配置文件来实现.
A solution that came to my mind is to have 3 local cassandra installation and configure each cassandra.yaml independently but actually I would prefer to have achieve that by my installed cassandra configuration files.
I need such configuration only for testing purposes, obviously.
在 github 上查看这个 Cassandra Cluster Manager https://github.com/pcmanus/ccm
Check this Cassandra Cluster Manager on github https://github.com/pcmanus/ccm
(链接是配置多个 Cassandra 以侦听不同本地主机接口、、 的脚本)
(link is to script that configures multiple Cassandras to listen on different localhost interfaces,,
这篇关于在同一台机器上运行多个 cassandra 节点(一个集群)?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!