我目前在与本机反应方面有些挣扎.我想拥有一个基于react native的图书馆项目,然后可以将其包含在我的某些应用中.
I'm currently struggling a bit with react native.What I want to have is a library project based on react native which I can then include in some of my apps.
First thing I tried was to move all the basic react setup code [1] into a Fragment inside an existing app. This worked without any problems.
然后,我用一个空的Activity启动了一个全新的Android项目.在这个项目中,我添加了一个新的Android Library项目模块,其中应包含反应本机片段".然后,我在根项目文件夹中初始化了react native项目.
Then I started a completely new Android project with an empty Activity.Into this project I added a new Android Library project module which should contain the "react native fragment". I initialised the react native project in my root project folder then.
My current project structure looks like this:
- basic files (index.android.js, index.ios.js, package.json, build.gradle, settings.gradle)
- app/ (contains the real native android app which includes the "react native fragment")
- reactlib/ (library project which contains a fragment with the code from [1])
- ios/
- node_modules/ (contains react-native)
通过 npm start
Starting the dev-server via npm start
works without any problems but as soon as I start the Android app I get the folowwing logcat outputs:
W/unknown:React(26957): Unable to dispatch keyboard events in JS as the react instance has not been attached
W/unknown:React(26957): You seem to be running on device. Run 'adb reverse tcp:8081 tcp:8081' to forward the debug server's port to the device.
E/(26957): Unable to load script from assets: index.android.bundle
E/ReactNative(26957): Got JS Exception: ReferenceError: Can't find variable: require
请注意,我做了 adb反向tcp:8081 tcp:8081
Please note that I did the adb reverse tcp:8081 tcp:8081
thing and the error is still showing up.
Later I want to create an aar out of the Android Library project and access it via maven.
What am I doing wrong? Or is what I want to do simply not possible?
[1] https://facebook.github.io/react-native/docs/embedded-app-android.html#add-native-code
After debugging and trying out couple of things, i figured that it fails to load the bundle file from server when bundled in aar.
If you add index.android.bundle in android assets folder, it starts working.
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