

这与我之前提出的问题相同- Watir Webdriver;计算具有变化的类名的元素.我能够使用类名称asset-card selectable添加特定数量的元素.

This is in the same vein as this question I asked before - Watir webdriver; counting elements with changing class names. I was able to add the specific number of elements based on using the class name asset-card selectable.


Currently, I am looking to click on more elements to add them to the existing set. Here is my dilemma:

  • 未单击元素 时,类名称为:
    image-card asset-card selectable
  • 单击元素时,将selected附加到类名:
    image-card asset-card selectable selected
  • When an element is not clicked, the class name is:
    image-card asset-card selectable
  • When an element is clicked, selected is appended to the class name:
    image-card asset-card selectable selected

就我而言,我正在尝试寻找仅 image-card asset-card selectable并且不包括selected的其他元素.我不确定如何明确找到它们.

In my case, I am trying to look for additional elements that only say image-card asset-card selectable and do not include selected. I am not sure how to explicitly locate them.


Is there a regex solution or any other thoughts on how to approach this?



The easiest way to find an element without a certain class is to use a :css locator.

browser.divs(css: 'div.image-card.asset-card.selectable:not(.selected)')


An explanation of the CSS-selectors:

  • div-这是您要匹配的元素的标签名称
  • .image-card.asset-card.selectable-这是您希望匹配元素具有的类的列表
  • :not(.selected)-这是您不希望拥有匹配元素的类的列表
  • div - This is the tag name of the elements you are trying to match
  • .image-card.asset-card.selectable - This is the list of classes you want the matching elements to have
  • :not(.selected) - This is the list of classes you do not want the matching elements to have


If you are opposed to CSS-selectors, you could iterate over the elements. Note that this will be slower as it has to make more calls to the browser.

selectable = browser.divs(class: 'image-card asset-card selectable')
unselected = selectable.reject { |e| e.class_name.split(' ').include?('selected') }


I have tried to use a Regular Expression before (see my blog post), however it gets pretty messy. I would not recommended going that way.


07-29 21:43