我最近选择了Android SDK,并试图配置一个SDK来测试程序,并可能在上面进行一些基本的Java应用程序编程.我的问题是,它显然无法完成其设置.除了冻结之外,开始"按钮显示为灰色,并且我无权访问Google Play商店.我确实可以访问Google Play音乐和电影商店.
I've recently picked up the Android SDK and I'm attempting to configure an SDK to test programs and maybe do some basic Java app programming on. My problem is that it apparently won't finish its setup. Apart from the freeze, that the start button is grayed out and I do not have access to the Google Play store. I do have access to the Google Play Music and Movie stores.
测试任何应用程序以确认这对开发是否可行的主要问题是我无权访问Google Play主商店.我想访问它,以便与我的测试应用程序相比,可以看到这些模拟的测试设备如何处理它们.
My main issue with testing any apps to confirm that this would be workable for development is that I have no access to the main Google Play store. I'd like access to it so that I can see how these emulated test devices handle them in comparison to my test apps.
I've provided screenshots below:
Download and use the Play System Images for your emulators. They come packaged with the full Play Store.
Open the SDK Manager > Check "Show Package Details" > find the Play System Image for your desired API. Then create an emulator using that image.
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