

我正在尝试将QStandardItemModel派生的对象发送到PythonQt,但是我对如何发送它有点困惑.当我使用boost :: python时,我有几个控件,例如boost :: noncopyable,以确保我没有重新创建该对象,而是与python共享.我还具有从python内部提供指向python的增强共享指针的构造.

I'm trying to send a QStandardItemModel-derived object to PythonQt, but I'm a little confused on how it needs to be sent. When I was using boost::python I had several controls like boost::noncopyable to ensure I wasn't recreating this object, but sharing it with python. I also had constructs to provide a boost shared pointer to python from inside python.

class Scene : public boost::enable_shared_from_this<Scene>, public QStandardItemModel


In PythonQt, however, I'm not sure what's available. The function call takes a QVariantList for all the function parameters.

QVariant PythonQt::call(PyObject* object, const QString &callable, const QVariantList &args = QVariantList))


What I'm confused about now is how to get my object to python via a QVariant. Since its derived from QStandardItemModel, I figured it would already be register

void MyObject::someFunction(QString fileName)
    QVariant myObjectV = qVariantFromValue(this);
    // send to python


'qt_metatype_id' : is not a member of 'QMetaTypeId<MyObject>'


I've tried registering it after I declare my class, but this throws a different error.

class MyObject : public QStandardItemModel

QStandardItemModel::QStandardItemModel(const QStandardItemModel&) is private within this context.


I actually get the error twice--once in header where I add the Q_DECLARE_METATYPE and in another header, which has a class which always derives from QStandardItemModel but is otherwise unrelated.


Is Q_DECLARE_METATYPE even the correct way to go about converting this object to a QVariant?

BOOST_PYTHON_MODULE(场景){ class _("Scene");}

BOOST_PYTHON_MODULE(scene){ class_("Scene");}


是的,默认情况下,QVariant可以采用以下类型之一- http://doc.qt.io/qt-4.8/qvariant.html#Type-enum -它们不足以完成您的任务.您应该通过qmetatype系统自己声明其他类型.因此,您应该调用 qRegisterMetaType() 函数.

Yes, by default, QVariant can take one of te following types - http://doc.qt.io/qt-4.8/qvariant.html#Type-enum - and they are not enough for your task. You should declare additional types by yourself via qmetatype system. Thus you shoud call qRegisterMetaType() function.


07-23 02:58