我的 GraphQL 查询如下所示:
My GraphQL query looks like this:
p1: property(someArgs: "some_value") {
nestedField {
moreNestedField {
在服务器端,我使用 Apollo Server.我有 property
的解析器和 nestedField
和 moreNestedField
的其他解析器.我需要在嵌套解析器上检索 someArgs
的值.我尝试使用解析器上可用的 context
On the server side, I'm using Apollo Server.I have a resolver for the property
and other resolvers for nestedField
and moreNestedField
.I need to retrieve the value of someArgs
on my nested resolvers.I tried to do this using the context
available on the resolver:
property: (_, {someArgs}, ctx) => {
ctx.someArgs = someArgs;
// Do something
但这不会起作用,因为上下文在所有解析器之间共享,因此如果我的查询有多个 property
But this won't work as the context is shared among all resolvers, thus if I have multiple property
on my query, the context value won't be good.
我还尝试在我的嵌套解析器上使用 info
上可用的 path
.我可以转到 property
I also tried to use the path
available on info
on my nested resolvers. I'm able to go up to the property
field but I don't have the arguments here...
我也尝试在 info
I also tried to add some data on info
but it's not shared on nested resolvers.
Adding arguments on all resolvers is not an option as it would make query very bloated and cumbersome to write, I don't want that.
Params can be passed down to child resolvers using currently returned value. Additional data will be removed from response later.
我将借用"Daniel 的代码,但没有特定参数 - 将 args 作为参考传递(适合/更干净/对于更多 args 更具可读性):
I'll 'borow' Daniel's code, but without specific params - pass args down as reference (suitable/cleaner/more readable for more args):
function propertyResolver (parent, args) {
const property = await getProperty()
property.propertyArgs = args
return property
// if this level args required in deeper resolvers
function nestedPropertyResolver (parent, args) {
const nestedProperty = await getNestedProperty()
nestedProperty.propertyArgs = parent.propertyArgs
nestedProperty.nestedPropertyArgs = args
return nestedProperty
function moreNestedPropertyResolver (parent) {
// do something with parent.propertyArgs.someArgs
正如 Daniels 所说,此方法的功能有限.您可以chain
结果并在子解析器中有条件地做一些事情.您将拥有父级和过滤后的子级...未使用子级条件过滤父级(例如在 SQL ... WHERE ... AND ... AND ... 连接表上),这可以在父解析器中完成.
As Daniels stated this method has limited functionality. You can chain
results and make something conditionally in child resolver. You'll have parent and filtered children ... not filtered parent using child condition (like in SQL ... WHERE ... AND ... AND ... on joined tables), this can be done in parent resolver.
这篇关于Apollo Server:将参数传递给嵌套的解析器的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!