

我希望能够读取用户上传的 XML 文件(小于 100kb),但不必先将该文件保存到数据库中.我不需要该文件超过当前操作(它的内容被解析并添加到数据库中;但是,解析文件不是问题).由于可以使用以下命令读取本地文件:

I'd like to be able to read an XML file uploaded by the user (less than 100kb), but not have to first save that file to the database. I don't need that file past the current action (its contents get parsed and added to the database; however, parsing the file is not the problem). Since local files can be read with:


我想只为 :uploaded_file 创建一个 file_field,然后尝试使用

I thought about just creating a file_field for :uploaded_file, then trying to read it with


但所做的只是抛出一个 TypeError(不能将 HashWithIndifferentAccess 转换为 String).我真的尝试了很多不同的东西(包括从/tmp 目录中读取),但没有一个能正常工作.

but all that does is throw a TypeError (can't convert HashWithIndifferentAccess into String). I really have tried a lot of various things (including reading from the /tmp directory as well), but could get none of them to work.


I hope the brevity of my question doesn't mask the effort I've given to try to solve this on my own, but I didn't want to pollute this question with a hundred ways of how NOT to get it done. Big thanks to anyone who chimes in.


<% form_for(:uploaded_file, @feed, :url => {:action=>'parse'}, :html=> {:multipart=>true}) do |f| %>  <p>
    <%= f.label :uploaded_file, 'Upload your file.' %><br />
    <%= f.file_field :uploaded_file %>
  <p><%= f.submit 'upload' %></p>
<% end %>

我设置了一个自定义操作(上传)来处理 file_field 上传,提交后,它被传递给另一个自定义操作(解析)进行处理.这可能是我问题的一部分吗?

I set up a custom action (upload) which handles the file_field upload, which after submission, is passed off to another custom action (parse) for processing. Could this be a part of my problem?


你们很亲近.检查params[:uploaded_file]类类型,它通常应该是StringIOTempfile 对象 -- 两者都已经作为文件,可以使用各自的 read 方法.

You are very close. Check the class type of params[:uploaded_file], it should typically be either a StringIO or a Tempfile object -- both of which already act as files, and can be read using their respective read method(s).

为了确定(params[:uploaded_file] 的类类型可能因您使用的是 Mongrel、Passenger、Webrick 等而有所不同),您可以进行更详尽的尝试:

Just to be sure (the class type of params[:uploaded_file] may vary depending on whether you are using Mongrel, Passenger, Webrick etc.) you can do a slightly more exhaustive attempt:

# Note: use form validation to ensure that
#  params[:uploaded_file] is not null

file_data = params[:uploaded_file]
if file_data.respond_to?(:read)
  xml_contents = file_data.read
elsif file_data.respond_to?(:path)
  xml_contents = File.read(file_data.path)
  logger.error "Bad file_data: #{file_data.class.name}: #{file_data.inspect}"

如果在您的情况下,params[:uploaded_file] 是一个哈希值,请确保您没有错误地翻转 object_name调用file_field参数/a> 在您看来,或者您的服务器没有为您提供带有 :content_type 等键的哈希值(在这种情况下,请使用 Bad file_data ... 来自 development.log/production.log 的输出.)

If, in your case, it turns out that params[:uploaded_file] is a hash, make sure that you have not mistakingly flipped the object_name and method parameters when invoking file_field in your view, or that your server is not giving you a hash with keys like :content_type etc. (in which case please comment on this post with the Bad file_data ... output from development.log/production.log.)

