是否可以找到下载我的 iOS 应用程序的用户的 Apple ID 或电子邮件 ID?
Hi Anyone please help me on this case,
Is that possible to find the Apple ID or Email ID of user who downloaded my iOS application?
如果我能看到用户的电子邮件 ID 或 Apple ID 来运行特定的活动,那将是非常有帮助的.
This link was helpful to find the number of downloads.
It will be great help if I can see the email ID or Apple ID of user to run particular campaign.
否,无法获取下载应用程序的用户的电子邮件 ID.如果您在应用程序中使用了电子邮件地址,那么您可以使用任何 3rd 方分析工具并在属性中发送用户的电子邮件 ID.默认情况下,Apple 不提供..!!
No, it is not possible to get email id of user who downloaded application. If you used email address in your application, then you can use any 3rd party analytics tools and send email Id of user in property. By default Apple is not providing..!!
这篇关于从 iTunes 下载我的 iOS 应用程序的用户的电子邮件 ID的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!