本文介绍了IPhone - 游戏中心的选择排行榜屏幕 - 怎么显示?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


在我浏览苹果文档时,我看不到打开Game Center的方法,第一个屏幕是用户可以在其中选择排行榜。

As I go through apple documentation, I can't see a way to open Game Center where the first screen is the where the user can choose a leaderboard.


I know I can open a specific leaderboard screen , but I want to open the screen that let the user choose one. is that possible ?


GKLeaderboardViewController *viewController = [[GKLeaderboardViewController alloc] init];
        viewController.leaderboardDelegate = self;
        // Present leaderboard with the user's options saved from prevous launch
        viewController.category = self.category;
        viewController.timeScope = self.timeScope;

        [parent presentModalViewController:viewController animated:YES];




Here's an undocumented workaround, but which was approved in multiple games I worked on:

    GKLeaderboardViewController *viewController = [[GKLeaderboardViewController alloc] init];
    viewController.leaderboardDelegate = self;

    [viewController popViewControllerAnimated:NO];
    [parent presentModalViewController:viewController animated:YES];
    [viewController release];


  • GKLeaderboardViewController UINavigationController

  • 的子类别控制器自动在排行榜视图控制器的导航堆栈顶部

  • 在显示之前,您可以修改导航堆栈

  • GKLeaderboardViewController is a subclass of UINavigationController
  • A particular category's view controller is automatically on top of leaderboard view controller's navigation stack
  • Before display, you can already modify the navigation stack
  • By not animating, popping occurs instantly, and before the view controller is even presented.


You can skip setting the category and time scope since you don't need them (you won't be displaying a particular "category's" view controller). Even if you don't set it, leaderboard view controller will be pushing default view controller on top.

我已经另外发布了 viewController

I have additionally released the viewController variable (the leaderboard view controller), since parent view controller will be taking ownership of the object. Not releasing it therefore creates a memory leak and may have other unintended consequences.

iOS 6及更高版本$ c> GKGameCenterViewController 类。弱连接到GameKit,并用 NSClassFromString(@GKGameCenterViewController)!= nil 测试此类的存在。

iOS 6 and later have the GKGameCenterViewController class. Weak-link to GameKit and test for presence of this class with NSClassFromString(@"GKGameCenterViewController") != nil. Then, use it as usual.

实例化此类,而不是 GKLeaderboardViewController ,并设置其 viewState 属性设置为 GKGameCenterViewControllerStateLeaderboards 可立即显示排行榜。

Instantiate this class instead of the GKLeaderboardViewController and set its viewState property to GKGameCenterViewControllerStateLeaderboards to have leaderboards show immediately.

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05-27 12:46