






I got into programming so i could program games.At first i just wanted to make simple games like Astaroids and stuff.Now I would like to learn to make Pro games.
I still am not even good enough to be called a noob but,i was woundering...
what language should i learn for gameprogramming?
Also i love playing PC game and i was woundering what is the difference Between the "Game Engine" and the "graphics engine" and the "physics engine"? And is there a "audio engine"?
Ty for reading this.


据我所知,所有或至少大部分商业游戏都是用C或C ++编程的,但如果C ++起初看起来太混乱,那也不错想要学习更简单的语言,如python或其他东西。即使你懂一种语言,也不要再学习另一种语言。另外,您最舒适的平台是什么?如果您喜欢Windows,可以使用DirectX和Direct3D。您也可以尝试SDL,我认为这更容易和多平台。

As far as I know, all or at least most of the commercial games are programmed with C or C++ but if C++ seems too confusing at first it is not a bad idea to learn an easier language like python or something else. And even if you know one language, don''t be afriad to learn another. Also, what kind of platform are you most comfortable with? If you like Windows, you can use DirectX and Direct3D. You could also try SDL which I think is easier and multi-platform.



如果你想进入游戏,请查看DirectX SDK并开始学习教程。

At a very high level this is true. There are different components that dictate the logic in a game. But it is much much more complicated then this. When people talk about physics engines like havok and quake what they are actually talking about is a type of middle ware that will allow them to calculate the path of objects in the game to more closely resemble real life. For example if I wanted to create a character that was throwing a baseball, I could describe that baseballs movement given freshmen level physics equations. I could input those formulas into my game or call on a physics engine to do it for me. You can imagine how useful a physics engine would be if more then 1 or 2 characters were running, jumping and shooting stuff.

A game engine is a bit of a different animal. When people talk about game engines they are usually talking about the whole thing: client, server, physics, scripting and mechanics, plus more.

If you want to get into games, check out the DirectX SDK and start working through the tutorials.


05-27 13:35