


I have been looking into using the Entity Framework in my C# game server to make querying easier. I am a huge fan of type safety, and the Entity Framework does a great job at automating most of the boilerplate code. Though I am not quite sure how to go about utilizing some of the components, namely the ObjectContext.


The server uses quite a lot of threading, so thread safety is a concern. Right now I just use a custom pool for executing queries. Without going into much detail, each query works in the fashion of:

  1. 的DbConnection
  2. 的DbCommand
  3. 允许查询类来设置参数
  4. 执行的DbCommand
  5. 允许的查询类来处理查询结果,如果有的话
  6. 免费的的DbCommand
  7. 免费的的DbConnection
  1. Grab a DbConnection
  2. Grab a DbCommand
  3. Allow for the query class to set the parameters
  4. Execute the DbCommand
  5. Allow for the query class to handle the query result, if any
  6. Free the DbCommand
  7. Free the DbConnection


It is very clean, fast, and safe, but the problem is that creating queries is a bit of a hassle, and I have to manually generate and update "container classes" if I want the type safety. This is why I have turned to the Entity Framework.

这一切仅仅用了的DbConnection 的DbCommand ,因为没有顾虑而<$ C的伟大工程$ C>的DbConnection /命令为哪个对象或查询任何东西。

This all works great with using just the DbConnection and DbCommand since there is no concerns about which DbConnection/Command performs queries for which object or anything.

不管怎么说,我真的不知道该如何解释更不强加限制。做这样的事情每一次我通常会与执行查询的DbConnection /命令,保存它,和处理的ObjectContext只是增加了太多的开销,当我真的不需要数据库被如此频繁地更新。

Anyways, I don't really know how to explain it much more without imposing restrictions. Doing something like executing a query every time I would normally with the DbConnection/Command, saving it, and disposing the ObjectContext just adds too much overhead when I really don't need the database to be updated so frequently.


How would you go about using the Entity Framework for a game server that doesn't have a high demand on the database being immediately and constantly up-to-date?



The place that you will most probably notice the difference in performance with Entity framework is in the update of data (not insert). This is due to the fact that the data must first be read from the database, then changed, then saved back to the database.


For the object context we use the using statement, so that it gets disposed straight away. It would not be good for a game to get a pause while the garbage collector ran dispose on all objects that were out of scope.


If you have mainly read I would recommend caching the data, using for example Enterprise Library Caching application block.


Entity Framework will give you a more productive programming model, while the caching will give you better performance.


08-26 07:56