据我所知,每部 Android 手机都将所有应用的最大内存使用量限制为大约 16、24 或 32Mb.我刚刚看到有人在讨论 Dungeon Defenders 应用程序,该应用程序似乎使用了 256 Mb 的 RAM.
As far as I'm aware, each Android phones limits all apps to a maximum memory usage of about 16, 24 or 32Mb. I've just seen people discussing the app Dungeon Defenders which apparently seems to make use of 256 Mb of RAM.
应用描述:最低要求:512 MB RAM(运行时有 256 个空闲空间)"http://www.appbrain.com/app/dungeon-defenders%3A-first-wave/com.trendy.ddapp
App description: "Minimum Requirements: 512 MB RAM (256 free at runtime)"http://www.appbrain.com/app/dungeon-defenders%3A-first-wave/com.trendy.ddapp
有关如何让此游戏在 Droid 上运行的指南(需要自定义 ROM 才能获得 256Mb 的可用 RAM 才能运行游戏):http://www.forums.trendyent.com/showthread.php?447-How-to-play-Dungeon-Defenders-on-your-Motorola-Droid-Milestone-(需要-root)
A guide on how to get this game to run on a Droid (where a custom ROM is require to get 256Mb of RAM free to run the game):http://www.forums.trendyent.com/showthread.php?447-How-to-play-Dungeon-Defenders-on-your-Motorola-Droid-Milestone-(requires-root)
这怎么可能?有谁知道这里发生了什么?访问这么多 RAM 会使我正在从事的某些项目更容易编写,所以我很想知道这个游戏在做什么.
How is this possible? Does anyone know what is going on here? Having access to that much RAM would make certain projects I'm working on much easier to write so I'm very interested to know what this game is doing.
在德国柏林的 droidcon 上,我听说您无法增加应用程序在 dalvik 端可以使用的 RAM 量.您可以使用本机端的所有可用内存,所以我猜命名的应用程序已经使用 NDK 在 C 中实现了本机的大量内存内容.这是我知道的唯一可能的解决方案...
On the droidcon in Berlin, Germany, I heard that you can't increase the amount of RAM an application can use on the dalvik side. You can use all available memory on the native side so I guess the named application have implemented heavy memory stuff native in C using the NDK. Thats the only possible solution I know...
更新这不是会议,而是与 Reto Meier 及其同事一起在我的大学访问 Google 实验室.
Update It wasn't the conference, it was a Google Lab visit at my university with Reto Meier and colleagues.
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