

我正在使用android的地理围栏,在大多数手机上都可以正常工作,但其中一些只是不起作用(我的错误日志中显示"geofences not available").

I'm working with geofences on android, it's all working fine on most phones,but on some of them, it's just not working (showing "geofences not available" in my error logs).

某些用户没有为Google Play服务启用位置跟踪.我认为这就是地理围栏无法在其手机上运行的原因. (对吗?)

Some users don't have their location tracking enabled for Google Play Services.I think that is the reason why geofencing is not working on their phones. (right?)

现在,我想要一种检测此情况的方法. (通知用户,并最终向他们展示如何解决该问题)我知道有一种方法可以知道Google Play服务是否可用(并且我已经这样做了),但这并没有说明是否启用了位置服务.

Now I want a way to detect this. (inform the user and eventually show them how to fix it)I know there is a way to know wether google play services is available or not (and I already do this), but that doesn't say anything about the location services being enabled or not.

我知道我可以在添加或删除地理围栏时进行检查,但有一个错误代码(地理围栏不可用位置状态代码),但这还不够.一些用户在添加地理围栏后 禁用了位置服务.然后我无从得知,我的应用程序将无法运行. (投诉用户等).至少当他们打开应用程序时,我必须通知用户以检查问题所在.

I know that I can check it while adding or removing geofence, there is an error code for it (geofence not available Location Status Codes), but that's not enough.Some users disable the location services after they added the geofences. Then I have no way of knowing this, and my app won't work. (complaining users etc.).At least I have to inform the user when they open the app to check what's wrong.


Does someone have an idea on how to do this?The best I can do now is adding and removing a dummy geofence on app boot, but there has to be a better way?

我使用有问题的设备对其进行了测试,删除该应用程序并重新安装似乎可以解决该问题.我在第一次启动时没有做任何特别的事情,所以这真的很奇怪.看来Google Play服务连接存在问题,并且重新安装该应用对这些服务有特殊的作用.这可能吗?连接它们时,它没有任何错误,但是当我尝试设置地理围栏时(见上文),它确实存在.

I tested it with a device that had the issue, removing the app and reinstalling seems to fix the problem.I'm not doing anything special on the first boot, so this is really weird.It looks as if there is a problem with the google play services connection, and reinstalling the app does something special with these services.Is this possible? It gives no errors while connecting to them, but it did when I tried to set geofences (see above).



The geofences will get disabled (and unregistered) if the GPS Provider or the Network Provider are disabled for whatever reason. That will cause your onAddGeofencesResult() to get called with an status code of error (1000). You can detect it right there.


Or, you detect this by implementing a Receiver that gets called in response to android.location.PROVIDERS_CHANGED. Remember to add the receiver to the AndroidManifest

<receiver android:name=".service.GeofenceProvidersChangedBroadcastReceiver">
        <action android:name="android.location.PROVIDERS_CHANGED"/>


On the receiver implementation, on its onReceive(), get the location manager and test for the providers status:

public class ProvidersChangedBroadcastReceiver extends WakefulBroadcastReceiver {


    public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {

        LocationManager locationManager = (LocationManager) context.getSystemService(Context.LOCATION_SERVICE);

        if (locationManager.isProviderEnabled(LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER)) {
            // GPS_PROVIDER IS enabled...
        } else {
            // GPS_PROVIDER is NOT enabled...

        if (locationManager.isProviderEnabled(LocationManager.NETWORK_PROVIDER)) {
            // NETWORK_PROVIDER IS enabled...
        } else {
            // NETWORK_PROVIDER is NOT enabled...


        if (locationManager.isProviderEnabled(LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER) &&
        locationManager.isProviderEnabled(LocationManager.NETWORK_PROVIDER)) {
        // We are good for geofencing as both GPS and Network providers are enabled....




07-22 16:18