任何人都知道如何从命令行编译vb6 webclass dll?我试图构建一个自动化版本构建工具,但它失败,文件中的编译错误[文件名]',行xxxx:变量未定义警报显示。
Anyone knows how to compile a vb6 webclass dll from a command line? I am trying to build a tool for automating version building, but it fails with an 'Compile Error in File '[file name]', Line xxxx : Variable not defined' alert displayed.
当您使用命令行参数/ MAKE来编译应用程序时,如果Designers(.DSR)的关联.DCA文件与.DSR文件不在同一目录中,则在编译期间可能会遇到错误。 .DCA文件包含编译项目所需的类型库信息。
When you use the command line argument /MAKE to compile the application, if the associated .DCA files for the Designers (.DSR) are not in the same directory as the .DSR files, you may encounter errors during the compiling. The .DCA files contain type library information that is necessary to compile the project.
Use one of the following workarounds to compile the project without errors:
- 在Visual Basic中打开项目,并在项目中进行更改。任何更改,例如输入空间,然后删除项目中的空间就足够了。关闭Visual Basic,并保存更改。这将为.DSR文件所在的目录中的应用程序重建.DCA文件。
- 编译Visual Basic集成开发环境(IDE)中的应用程序。这也会重建应用程序的.DCA文件。
Microsoft has confirmed that this is a bug in the Microsoft products that are listed at the beginning of this article...