

SSRS 支持哪个版本的 Visual Basic?

Which version of Visual Basic does SSRS support?

MSDN 页面 说您在报告代码中编写了 Visual Basic但没有说太多关于版本.

MSDN page says that you write Visual Basic in the report code but doesn't say much about the version.


好问题.微软对此不是很清楚.SQL Server 2008 R2 的 RDL 规范声明表达式在 Visual Basic 兼容语法中定义",但没有提供任何其他细节,除了一个过时的链接.除了用于预编译 dll 的 .NET 引用之外,也没有提及自定义代码.

Good question. Microsoft are not very clear about this. The RDL specification for SQL Server 2008 R2 states that expressions "are defined in a Visual Basic compatible syntax", but does not provide any other detail, except an obsolete link. There is also no mention of custom code other than .NET references for precompiled dlls.

编写在报告中的代码在部署后作为文本存储在 RDL 文件中,这意味着它可以在运行报告时即时解释或 JIT 编译.因此,如果您有大量或密集的代码,则预编译为 dll 并在报告中引用它会提供更好的性能.

Code written in a report is stored as text within the RDL file after it is deployed, which means that it is either interpreted on the fly or JIT-compiled when it the report is run. For this reason, if you have a large volume of, or intensive code, precompiling to a dll and referencing it in the report will offer better performance.


10-30 02:44