It is possible to give an initializer list to the definition of a static array. Example:
int main()
int int_static[2] = {1,2};
Is a similar initializer list possible for a dynamic array?
int main()
int* int_ptr = new int[2];
This is closer to what I am trying to do:
struct foo
foo(void * ptr): ptr_(ptr) {}
void * ptr_;
int main()
foo* foo_ptr = new foo[10];
At initialization time not the default constructor should be called, but foo:foo(void*).
The point of having a static initializer list for a dynamic array might come handy in the case of Just-In-Time compilation for accelerator cores which do have only a limited amount of stack available, but at the same time you construct your objects with a (accelerator compile time = host run time) static initializer list.
我不认为(因为这需要编译器生成额外的code,即自变量的值复制到堆的位置)。我认为C ++ 0x中支持一些的,但我不能使用它。
I assume not (since this would require the compiler to generate additional code, namely to copy the values of the arguments to the heap location). I think c++0x supports some of this, but I cannot use it.Right now I could use such a construct. Maybe someone knows a trick..
No, you cannot do that.
我觉得C ++不允许这一点,因为让这样的事情不添加任何的不错的到了的功能的语言。换句话说,什么是点的动态的数组,如果你使用的静态的初始化初始化呢?
I think C++ doesn't allow this because allowing such thing doesn't add any nice-to-have feature to the language. In other words, what would be the point of dynamic array if you use a static initializer to initialize it?
动态数组的要点是在运行时创建一个大小 N
The point of dynamic array is to create an array of size N
which is known at runtime, depending on the actual need. That is, the code
int *p = new int[2];
makes less sense to me than the following:
int *p = new int[N]; //N is known at runtime
如果是这样的话,那么你怎么能提供在静态的初始要素的数量,因为 N
If that is so, then how can you provide the number of elements in the static initializer because N
isn't known until runtime?
Lets assume that you're allowed to write this:
int *p = new int[2] {10,20}; //pretend this!
int a[] = {10,20};
当你被允许写为 N
The real advantage would be when you're allowed to write that for arrays of N
elements. But then the problem is this:
int *p = new int[N] {10,20, ... /*Oops, no idea how far we can go? N is not known!*/ };