


I'm starting from a point very similar to: Domain Entities, DTO, and View Models.

建议使用DTO在域模型和MVC的ViewModel之间进行映射似乎是一致的期望。我寻求如何将域模型(基于实体框架的项目)桥接到WebAPI mvc项目的细节。

The advised use of DTOs to map between the domain model and the MVC's ViewModel seems consistent expectations. I seek details of how to bridge the domain model (Entity Framework-based project) to the WebAPI mvc project.

我从一个简单的POCO项目(生成由EF PowerTools反向工程我的存在的数据库),我想连接到一个MVC4 WebAPI项目。

I'm starting with a project of simple POCOs (generated by EF PowerTools to reverse engineer my existent db) that I want to connect to an MVC4 WebAPI project.


I expect I'll be adding business logic to the baseline POCO project as my solution evolves and perhaps this is the crux of this issue. The business logic that transforms the POCOs into something that can be mapped to the MVC project.

正好如何将这些项目连接在一起,以便我可以在MVC中创建控制器了解EF项目实体的项目? Automapper?我们可以指向使用Automapper的特定功能的帖子/文档吗?

Exactly how do I wire these projects together so i can start creating controllers in the MVC project that knows about the entities of the EF project? Automapper? Can we point to posts/docs where this specific feature of Automapper is employed?


你不想让控制器知道EF实体 - 这就是这一点。 :)

You don't want controllers that knows about the EF entities - that's the whole point of this. :)


You yourself say that the DTOs should be used to map your domain to your view model, and then you ask "how can I bridge my domain model with the mvc controllers?". You've already answered this - with DTOs!

DTO用作复杂业务对象和用于显示特定视图的模型之间的传输层。这两者都有特殊的要求,不与数据紧密相关 - 因此使用DTO将会使您更加脱节和分离问题。

The DTO serves as a transport layer between complex business objects and models used to display a certain view. Both of these have special requirements that don't strictly relate to "just data" - hence using DTOs will give you a greater decoupling and separation of concerns.


If you don't decouple domain from view model, you will be forced to directly reference your EF objects in your view model code, which exposes unnecessary data and functions "up the chain".


Now, if you use WebAPI as a way to ship data then I think you could usually get away with sending the DTOs, since WebAPI data usually wouldn't be implementing view model logic. But YMMV of course, depending on how you plan to use your controllers.


For AutoMapper I'd say it's best to start with their own docs (they even use DTO examples in them): http://github.com/AutoMapper/AutoMapper/wiki/Getting-started


07-29 14:24