使用JavaFX 2.0散点图时,绘制的点以点的左上角接触点而不是点的中心为点的方式绘制.因此,与其看起来像是在点(1,1)上绘制,不如看起来像是在(1.1,0.9)上.有人知道如何解决这个问题吗?
When using the JavaFX 2.0 scatter chart the plotted dots are graphed with the top left corner of the dot touching the point rather than the center of the dot on the point. So rather than it looking like it is plotting at the point (1, 1) it looks more like it's at (1.1, 0.9). Does anyone know how to fix this?
There is a bug in a way ScatterChart draws shifting plotted dots.
Until fix as a workaround you can override dots style class. To perform that add new file "style.css" to the same package with your main class and next content:
.chart-symbol { /* solid circle */
-fx-background-color: #f9d900;
-fx-background-radius: 5px;
-fx-translate-x: -4px;
-fx-translate-y: -4px;
In the code where your main scene is created add next line:
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