我正在尝试为JavaFX 2.2中的不可见节点接收MouseEvent.可以将其视为一个交互式但不可见的区域,例如,当鼠标悬停该区域时,该区域应触发一个动作.问题是,这不是一个静态定义的区域,但是有多个区域(很多区域)可以由应用程序移动和调整大小.因此,对于我的用例来说,全局地监听鼠标的运动并手动检测-MouseMove-Events会产生很多开销.
I'm trying to receive MouseEvents for an invisible node in JavaFX 2.2. Think of it as an interactive but invisible Zone that should trigger an action for example when the mouse hovers it. The problem is, that this is not a statically defined zone, but there are multiple zones (a lot of it) that can be moved and resized by the application. So for my use-case it would be a lot of overhead to globally listen to mouse-movement and perform a manual detection of - say - MouseMove-Events.
目前,我正在尝试使用透明的Rectangle( new Rectangle(200,100,Color.TRANSPARENT)
Currently, I'm experimenting with a transparent Rectangle (new Rectangle(200, 100, Color.TRANSPARENT)
), but the actual / final Application will use some sort of a Pane for it, because it's actually a draggable container for other components (when not full of components, it has transparent areas and MouseMoves must be detected on these transparent areas as well).
我还希望得到一些答案,这些答案有助于我更好地了解JavaFX 2.2通常如何根据节点的可见性来处理MouseEvent.
I additionally would appreciate answers that help me to get a better understanding of how JavaFX 2.2 generally handles MouseEvents depending on the visibility of nodes.
My experiments have shown the following general insights so far:
Given a transparent Scene:Mouse Events will only be passed to foreign Applications (visually below the Scene) when the user clicks on a transparent area. There's no way to pass a mouse-event "to the OS" when the user clicks on a visible pixel of the Scene. Right?
A Pane on top of other nodes will per default swallow any MouseEvent unless it is MouseTransparent or the MouseClick appears on a non-visible (transparent) area.
pickOnBounds(true | false)
可以启用( true
)基于边界的(矩形)MouseEvents检测或禁用它( false
).后者仅针对可见像素/区域有效地处理鼠标事件. pickOnBounds(true)
is there to enable (true
) bounds-based (rectangular) detection of MouseEvents or disable it (false
). Latter effectively handles mouse-events only for visible pixels / areas. pickOnBounds(true)
seems not to work for completely invisible nodes. Right?
我的实验表明,一个节点至少需要填充- new Color(1,1,1,0.004)
才能被视为可见.较低的alpha值被认为是不可见的,即使已调用 pickOnBounds(true)
My experiments have shown, that a node needs at least a fill of - new Color(1,1,1,0.004)
to be considered visible. Lower alpha-values are considered invisible, which causes MouseEvents not to be handled, even if pickOnBounds(true)
has been called.
Did I get this right? Then there would be no way for an invisible Node to receive MouseEvents.
还是对 pickOnBounds
Or is there a special requirement for pickOnBounds
to work? Do I need to call it only after the node has been shown or something similar?Any other suggestions?
opacity属性控制节点的视觉透明性"而不影响其接收事件的能力,请参见 APIdocs .将此属性设置为零可实现您(和我)一直在寻找的效果:一个不可见但对鼠标敏感的热点"节点.
The opacity property controls a Node's "visual transparency" without affecting it's ability to receive Events, see APIdocs. Setting this property to zero achieves the effect you (and I) were looking for: An invisible but mouse-sensitive "hot zone"-Node.
这与我首先尝试过的 Node.setVisible(false)
This is in contrast to Node.setVisible(false)
which I tried first. That approach also disables Event handling. From Node.setVisible() APIdocs:
不可见"实际上意味着在调用 setVisible(false)
"Invisible" there really means "after calling setVisible(false)
" and should not be confused with opacity or fully transparent pixels in an image.
Due to lack of reputation I can't post a screenshot directly, so:link to screenshot that shows the hot zone layout of the example code below (the Node's opacity is not set to 0 in the screenshot for obvious reasons).
The example uses a Group as hot zone which contains a rectangle and a circle to define the areas in which mouse events are captured. The opacity property and mouse handler only need to be set on the Group, not it's children.
这样,您可以构造任意形状的热区.如果要将具有透明区域的图像用作热点区域,则需要将其 pickOnBounds
属性设置为 false
That way you can construct arbitrarily shaped hot zones.If you want to use an image with transparent areas as a hot zone, its pickOnBounds
property needs to be set to false
so the actual image content is considered, not only the bounding box.
public class HotZoneTest extends Application {
public void start(Stage primaryStage) {
StackPane root = new StackPane();
Scene scene = new Scene(root, 300, 250);
Group hotZone = new Group();
hotZone.getChildren().add(new Rectangle(10, 20, 100, 50));
hotZone.getChildren().add(new Circle(50, 120, 20));
hotZone.setOpacity(0.4); //set to 0.0 to make invisible
EventHandler handler = new EventHandler() {
public void handle(Event e) {
System.out.println("hotZone mouse event: " + e);
hotZone.addEventHandler(MouseEvent.MOUSE_ENTERED, handler);
hotZone.addEventHandler(MouseEvent.MOUSE_CLICKED, handler);
hotZone.addEventHandler(MouseEvent.MOUSE_EXITED, handler);
edit: regarding your specific sub-qestions (all as far as I know, I'm not an FX guru :) )
Interesting, never tried that. A pure speculation on what might work: Get screen coordinates of mouse event, move your window out of the way, use java.awt.Robot to move the OS cursor to coordinates of mouse event, fire a click there if needed, and move your window back.Beware: Sounds like a total hack!
我也是这样理解的;虽然不确定鼠标的进入/退出.对于那些人,您至少可以在父母中听 MOUSE_ENTERED_TARGET/MOUSE_EXITED_TARGET
That's how I understand it, too; not sure about mouse enter/exit though. For those you can listen on MOUSE_ENTERED_TARGET/MOUSE_EXITED_TARGET
at least in a parent to determine which child was entered/exited. Register an event filter on the parent and consume the event there if you want to prevent the child from receiving the event.
通过调用 setInvisible(true)
True for Nodes made invisible by calling setInvisible(true)
Can't comment, but your experiment result seems sound.
使用 .setOpacity(0.0)
Using .setOpacity(0.0)
makes a Node "visually invisible", but still receive events and honor setbickOnBounds
这篇关于可见节点的JavaFX 2.2 Mouseevent的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!