I am trying to create a color picker cocoa app in objective-c so I can get the color of any pixel on my screen. Is there a way to get the color a certain screen pixel in objective-c?
你可以使用CGDisplayCreateImageForRect获得一个CGImageRef包含你感兴趣的点。一旦你有一个CGImage,你可以通过渲染图像到自定义缓冲区,或使用NSBitmapImageRep的initWithCGImage然后colorAtX:y:得到一个颜色值。 NSBitmapImageRep方法的堆栈溢出代码窗口写入代码如下:
You can use CGDisplayCreateImageForRect to get a CGImageRef that encompasses the point you're interested in. Once you have a CGImage, you can get a color value out of it by rendering the image into custom buffer, or by using NSBitmapImageRep's initWithCGImage and then colorAtX:y:. The "written in stack overflow code window" code for the NSBitmapImageRep method would look something like:
NSColor *MyColorAtScreenCoordinate(CGDirectDisplayID displayID, NSInteger x, NSInteger y) {
CGImageRef image = CGDisplayCreateImageForRect(displayID, CGRectMake(x, y, 1, 1));
NSBitmapImageRep *bitmap = [[NSBitmapImageRep alloc] initWithCGImage:image];
NSColor *color = [bitmap colorAtX:0 y:0];
[bitmap release];
That will probably return the color in device color space. It might be useful to return the color in calibrated RBG color space instead.