Part of a bash script I'm making involves rar splitting files and then moving the split files to another directory once they are done.
所以,如果我有一个像考file.txt的文件时,它会首先得到rarred为[测试] file.txt.part1.rar,测试file.txt.part2.rar,然后两个该RAR中的会得到移动到另一个目录。
So if I have a file like "test file.txt", it would first get rarred to "[test] file.txt.part1.rar", "test file.txt.part2.rar", and then both of the rar's would get moved to another directory.
I have the rar bit working fine, but i'm having trouble on the find & move.
# [...]
rar a -m0 -v104857600b "$1.rar" "$1";
find $folder -name "$1.part*" -exec mv {} $someotherfolder \;
但它似乎并不奏效。我测试了找到外壳单行和我猜这个问题是因为文件有括号中的名字 - >[和]
However it doesn't seem to be working. I've tested that find one liner from the shell and I'm guessing the problem is because the files have parenthesis in the names -> "[" and "]"
'[' and ']' are used in shell to describe sets of characters. You have to escape them with '\' to get the correct behavior. If you do not escape them you tell find to look for files with 't' or 'e' or 's' or 't' :)
要做到这一点与参数$ 1,你必须使用类似:
To do that with the parameter $1, you have to use something like :
param=$(echo $1 | sed 's@\[@\\[@g'| sed 's@\]@\\]@g')
和使用'$参数而不是$ 1
and use '$param' instead of '$1'