我正在尝试使用大型复杂的tomcat Java Web应用程序解决性能问题.目前最大的问题是,内存使用量有时会激增,应用程序将变得无响应.我已经修复了我可以使用日志分析器和日志文件的贝叶斯分析解决的所有问题.我正在考虑在生产的Tomcat服务器上运行探查器.
I am attempting to solve performance issues with a large and complex tomcat java web application. The biggest issue at the moment is that, from time to time, the memory usage spikes and the application becomes unresponsive. I've fixed everything I can fix with log profilers and Bayesian analysis of the log files. I'm considering running a profiler on the production tomcat server.
I understand that some may find the very notion of profiling a production app offensive. Please be assured that I have exhausted most of the other options. The reason I am considering this is that I do not have the resources to completely duplicate our production setup on my test server, and I have been unable to cause the failures of interest on my test server.
我正在寻找对在tomcat上运行的Java Web应用程序有效的答案,或者以与语言无关的方式回答此问题.
I am looking for answers which work either for a java web application running on tomcat, or answer this question in a language agnostic way.
- 分析的性能成本是多少?
- 在生产环境中远程连接和配置Web应用程序是个坏主意的其他原因(奇怪的故障模式,安全性问题等)?
- 分析对内存占用有多大影响?
- 具体来说,是否存在性能成本非常低的Java分析工具?
- 是否有任何用于分析Web应用程序的Java分析工具?
- 是否有人对使用visualVM进行性能分析的性能成本有基准?
- visualVM可以扩展到什么大小的应用程序和数据集?
OProfile 及其祖先用于剖析生产系统.这些操作的开销非常低,而且它们可以对您的完整系统(包括内核)进行概要分析,因此您可以在内核和库中的VM 和中发现性能问题.
OProfile and its ancestor DPCI were developed for profiling production systems. The overhead for these is very low, and they profile your full system, including the kernel, so you can find performance problems in the VM and in the kernel and libraries.
Overhead: These are sampled profilers, that is, they generate timer or performance counter interrupts at some regular interval, and they take a look at what code is currently executing. They use that to build a histogram of where you spend your time, and the overhead is very low (1-8% is what they claim) for reasonable sampling intervals.
Take a look at this graph of sampling frequency vs. overhead for OProfile. You can tune the sampling frequency for lower overhead if the defaults are not to your liking.
在生产中的用途:使用OProfile的唯一警告是您需要将其安装在生产机器上.我相信自RHEL3以来,Red Hat中就已经有内核支持,而且我很确定其他发行版也支持它.
Usage in production: The only caveat to using OProfile is that you'll need to install it on your production machine. I believe there's kernel support in Red Hat since RHEL3, and I'm pretty sure other distributions support it.
Memory: I'm not sure what the exact memory footprint of OProfile is, but I believe it keeps relatively small buffers around and dumps them to log files occasionally.
Java: OProfile包括支持Java的配置文件代理,它们了解在JIT中运行的代码.因此,您将能够看到Java调用,而不仅仅是解释器和JIT中的C调用.
Java: OProfile includes profiling agents that support Java and that are aware of code running in JITs. So you'll be able to see Java calls, not just the C calls in the interpreter and JIT.
Web Apps: OProfile is a system-level profiler, so it's not aware of things like sessions, transactions, etc. that a web app would have.
That said, it is a full-system profiler, so if your performance problem is caused by bad interactions between the OS and the JIT, or if it's in some third-party library, you'll be able to see that, because OProfile profiles the kernel and libraries. This is an advantage for production systems, as you can catch problems that are due to misconfigurations or particulars of the production environment that might not exist in your test environment.
VisualVM: Not sure about this one, as I have no experience with VisualVM
Here's a tutorial on using OProfile to find performance bottlenecks.