

我正在尝试做一些 PHP preg.但是如果我想要一个没有东西的字符串,我似乎无法让它匹配.

I'm trying to do some PHP preg. But it seems to i can't get it to match if i want a string without something in it.


Hello! My name is [b]Peter Jack[/b]

如果找到 Peter Jack 的姓氏,则不会匹配,但如果找到[b]Peter[/b]",则会匹配.

If Peter Jack is found with his last name, it will NOT match, but if its found "[b]Peter[/b]" it will match.


Anyone who I'm kinda bad at explaining things, comment if there is anything else you need to help me solve this.

我可以说的另一种方式是,如果我得到一个网站链接,它将匹配并执行 preg_replace 中的内容,但如果该网站的链接以 .png(图像)结尾不会匹配,也不会建立链接.

Another way I can say it about, is, if i got a link to a website, it will match and do the stuff in the preg_replace, but if the link to the website ends with like .png (an image) it will not match and will not make a link.


不会匹配,因为它包含 .png

Will not be matched because it contains .png


将被匹配,因为它包含 .png

Will be matched because it does not contain .png



It's unclear what you want to find. If it's just [b]Peter[/b], then you don't need a regex.

如果你想找到一个被 BBCode 粗体标签包围的单词",使用

If you want to find a single "word" surrounded by BBCode bold tags, use

preg_match('%\[b\]\w*\[/b\]%', $subject)

如果您想在 BBCode 粗体标签中查找任何内容,只要它不包含 Jack,请使用

If you want to find anything within BBCode bold tags as long as it doesn't contain Jack, use

    '%\[b\]     # Match [b]
    (?:         # Try to match...
     (?!Jack)   # (unless the word "Jack" occurs there)
     .          # any character
    )*?         # any number of times, as few as possible
    \[/b\]      # Match [/b]%x',


08-04 08:04