本文介绍了使用 1 个查询运行 2 个 sql 查询以将查询结果保存为 .csv 格式的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


在我的网页中,我有 2 页.1) admin.php 2) csv.php. 在 admin.php 页面中,以下查询显示来自 db 的数据.在 csv.php 页面中,我使用相同的查询将数据保存为 .csv 格式,但无法保存.

In my web I've 2 page. 1) admin.php 2) csv.php. In admin.php page following query is showing data from db. In csv.php page I used same query to save data to .csv format but Can't save it.

我决定在 ONE QUERY 中运行相同的查询.这样我就可以获得查询结果并将其保存为csv格式.

I decided to run this same query in ONE QUERY. So that I can get the query result and can save it to csv format.


1) 我如何将此查询运行到一个查询?

1) How do i run this query to ONE query ?

2) 以下查询成功显示数据.那么如何将其保存为 .csv 文件?

2) Following query is showing data successfully. So how do i save it as .csv file ?

我搜索 google 并找到了许多结果,这些结果显示了如何仅使用一个查询将数据保存为 .csv 格式.但是您看到我的查询中有 2 个 while 语句,那么我如何将其保存为 .csv 格式?不知道:(

I search google for that and found many result which is showing how do I save data as .csv format with only one query. But you see that I've 2 while statement in my query then how do i save it as .csv format ? NO idea :(

注意: 我是 php 和 mysql 的新手.

Thanks and Looking for your help. :)
Note: I'm new learner about php and mysql.

$sqlagentdetails = "select * from users WHERE company_name != ''";
$rowresult = mysql_query($sqlagentdetails);
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($rowresult, MYSQL_ASSOC))
    $pc1 = $row['pc1'];
    $pc2 = $row['pc2'];
    $pc3 = $row['pc3'];
    $pc4 = $row['pc4'];
    $emailAgent = $row['user_email'];
    $user_id = $row['id'];

$myQuery =  mysql_query("
   FROM user_property upr
  WHERE (postcode = '$pc1' OR
         postcode = '$pc2' OR
         postcode = '$pc3' OR
         postcode = '$pc4') AND
         datediff(CURDATE(), upr.creation_date) <= 7 AND
         NOT EXISTS(SELECT ofr.property_id
                      FROM offers ofr
                     WHERE ofr.property_id = upr.property_id AND
                           ofr.agent_id IN(SELECT id
                                             FROM users
                                            WHERE company_name !=''
ORDER BY property_id DESC");

    while($row = mysql_fetch_array($myQuery)){

    // more data are goes to here...




You don't want it to run as one query. It's usually better to have lots of small simple queries instead of one complicated query. In fact I would suggest you update your code to have even more queries, for example the contents of the "not exists()" should not be done as a subquery, it should be a completely separate query to improve performance.

2) 以下查询成功显示数据.那么如何将其另存为 .csv 文件?

有两个部分,首先您需要发送正确的 HTTP 标头以触发 CSV 下载:

There are two parts, first you need to send the correct HTTP headers to trigger a CSV download:

header('Content-type: application/vnd.ms-excel');
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="export.csv";' );


Then just print out the data in CSV format:

while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($myQuery)) {
  $first = true;
  foreach ($row as $cell) {
    if ($first)
      $first = false;
      print ',';

    print '"' . addslashes($cell) . '"';
  print "\n";

注意:CSV 是一种错误的格式,这仅适用于 Microsoft Excel 的某些版本.根据用户居住的地方(例如:欧洲),它可能无法正常工作.但是,对于大多数版本的 Excel,上述方法都可以使用.除了避免使用 CSV 之外,没有其他好的解决方案.

Note: CSV is a bad format, and this will only work in some editions of Microsoft Excel. Depending where the user lives (eg: Europe) it might not work properly. For most editions of Excel the above will work however. There is no good solution except to avoid using CSV.

这篇关于使用 1 个查询运行 2 个 sql 查询以将查询结果保存为 .csv 格式的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-05 17:01