本文介绍了Android的 - 正则表达式,模式的隐藏的HTML输入字段的值的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I'm pretty new/bad with regex-patterns, but this is what I want:

我已经得到了与HTML网页,以及地方,页面我有:<输入名称=__ RequestVerificationToken类型=隐藏值=the_value_I_want/>

I've got a webpage with html, and somewhere on that page I have: <input name="__RequestVerificationToken" type="hidden" value="the_value_I_want" />


So, my question is: How can I get the value (the_value_I_want) of the hidden text field in Android?

我没有让 HTTPGET 已经(见code以下),我只需要知道正确的模式这一点。

I did make the HttpGet already (see code below), I just need to know the correct Pattern for this.


// Method to get the hidden-input value of the Token
private String getToken(){
    String url = "http://myhost/Account/Login";
    String hidden_token = "";
    String response = "";

    HttpGet get = new HttpGet(url);
        // Send the GET-request
        HttpResponse execute = MainActivity.HttpClient.execute(get);

        // Get the response of the GET-request
        InputStream content = execute.getEntity().getContent();
        BufferedReader buffer = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(content));
        String s = "";
        while((s = buffer.readLine()) != null)
            response += s;
    catch(Exception ex){

    // Get the value of the hidden input-field with the name __RequestVerificationToken
    Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("<input name=\"" + TOKEN + "\" type=\"hidden\" value=\".\" />", Pattern.DOTALL);
    Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(response);
        hidden_token = matcher.group();

    return hidden_token;


So, what should I replace the following line with?

模式模式= Pattern.compile(&LT;输入名字= \\+ TOKEN +\\型= \\隐藏\\价值= \\ /&GT\\;, Pattern.DOTALL);


Or should I also change something else?


PS:对于那些想知道:我需要这个令牌能够登录,使用具有一个谷歌账户在 POST请求,用<$ C合并$ C>标记从我得到了一个饼干

PS: For those wondering: I need this token to be able to Log-in using a Google-account with a POST-request, combined with the token I got from a Cookie.


阅读的答案this计算器问题我认为这是最好不要使用正则表达式图案的HTML页面。有谁知道一个更好的解决方案(我想AP preciate它,如果这更好的解决办法是用code样品)。

After reading the answer of this stackoverflow question I think it's better to not use a regex-pattern for the HTML page. Does anyone know a better solution (I would appreciate it if this better solution would be with a code sample).



I tried using Illegal Argument's answer and added the Jsoup library. I did indeed manage to get the token by making the following changes to my code above:


Replace everything in the try { ... } with:

// Get the value of the hidden input-field with the name __RequestVerificationToken
Document doc = Jsoup.connect(url).get();
org.jsoup.nodes.Element el = doc.select("input[name*=" + TOKEN).first();
hidden_token = el.attr("value");


This does indeed get me the token of the hidden field, but now I have an entire new problem.. The token changed, because Jsoup opens a new session. So basically I can't use the Jsoup and are "forced" to use the already open DefaultHttpClient that I also use for the POST.


I will make a new question for this though, since my original answer was just bad questioning by myself (not providing all the details) and so I accept Illegal Argument's answer as the correct one (though it didn't solved my current problem, it might help others).



Try using Jsoup library. Its is a regex parser built for this purpose.

这篇关于Android的 - 正则表达式,模式的隐藏的HTML输入字段的值的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-24 14:00