

我想编写一个bash脚本,该脚本可以下载并安装最新的每日程序版本(RStudio).是否可以使wget仅下载目录 http://www.rstudio.org/download/daily/desktop/吗?

I would like to write a bash script that downloads and install the latest daily build of program (RStudio). Is it possible to make wget to download only the most recent file in the directory http://www.rstudio.org/download/daily/desktop/ ?



The files seem to be sorted by the release date, with each new release being a new entry with a new name reflecting the version number change, so checking timestamps of a certain file seems unnecessary.

此外,您还提供了指向目录"的链接,该目录实质上是一个网页. AFAIK,http中没有目录(这是一种在给定地址为您提供数据的通信协议)之类的东西.您看到的是服务器生成的清单,类似于Windows文件夹,尽管它仍然是一个网页,但仍易于使用.

Also, you have provided a link to a "directory", which essentially is a web page. AFAIK, there is no such thing as a directory in http (which is a communication protocol serving you data at the given address). What you see is a listing generated by the server that resembles windows folders for the ease of use, though it's still a web page.


Having that said, you can scrape that web page. The following code downloads the file at first position on the listing (assuming the first one is the most recent one):


wget -q -O tmp.html http://www.rstudio.org/download/daily/desktop/ubuntu64/
RELEASE_URL=`cat tmp.html | grep -m 1 -o -E "https[^<>]*?amd64.deb" | head -1`
rm tmp.html

# TODO Check if the old package name is the same as in RELEASE_URL.

# If not, then get the new version.
wget -q $RELEASE_URL


Now you can check it against your local most-recent version, and install if necessary.


Updated version, which does simple version checking and installs the package.


MY_PATH=`dirname "$0"`

# Piping from stdout suggested by Chirlo.
RELEASE_URL=`wget -q -O - http://www.rstudio.org/download/daily/desktop/ubuntu64/ | grep -m 1 -o "https[^\']*"`

if [ "$RELEASE_URL" == "" ]; then
    echo "Package index not found. Maybe the server is down?"
    exit 1

mkdir -p "$RES_DIR"

if [ "$OLD_PACKAGE" == "" ] || [ "$OLD_PACKAGE" != "$NEW_PACKAGE" ]; then

    cd "$RES_DIR"
    rm -f $OLD_PACKAGE

    echo "New version found. Downloading..."
    wget -q $RELEASE_URL

    if [ ! -e "$NEW_PACKAGE" ]; then
        echo "Package not found."
        exit 1

    echo "Installing..."
    sudo dpkg -i $NEW_PACKAGE

    echo "rstudio up to date."


  • 该脚本保留最新版本的本地res/目录(完全是一个文件),然后将其名称与新抓取的包名称进行比较.这很脏(拥有文件并不意味着它已经被过去成功安装).最好解析dpkg -l的输出,但程序包的名称可能会略有变化与刮擦的不一样.
  • 您仍然需要输入sudo的密码,因此不会100%自动.有几个解决方法,尽管没有监督,您可能会遇到先前提到的问题.
  • The script keeps a local res/ dir with the latest version (exactlyone file) and compares it's name with the newly scraped package name.This is dirty (having a file doesn't mean that it has beensuccessfully installed in the past). It would be better to parse theoutput of dpkg -l, but the name of the package might slightlydiffer from the scraped one.
  • You will still need to enter thepassword for sudo, so it won't be 100% automatic. There are a fewways around this, though without supervision you might encounter thepreviously stated problem.


08-04 14:03