

我有一个带有 2 个纹理的帧缓冲区,是否可以在同一个片段着色器函数中从纹理 A 读取并写入纹理 B?

I have a Framebuffer with 2 textures attached is it possible to read from texture A and write to texture B, in the same fragment shader function ?



扩展 Reto 的答案.

Extending Reto's answer.

您可以从纹理 A 读取并写入纹理 B,但您不能这样做:

You can read from texture A and write to texture B, BUT you cannot do this:

uniform sampler2D B; // Sampler for texture B.
layout (location = 0) out vec3 A; // Write to texture
A = texture(B,Texcoord); 


This is invalid, and you must use a tertiary variable.


You cannot read and write to the texture on the same draw call, but you can read from one texture and write to another texture that both reside on the same framebuffer in the same draw call. You have to make sure when you bind the frame buffer you bind it like this.

glbindframebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, fboHandle) 

这是因为帧缓冲区将被写入和读取,并且`GL_FRAMEBUFFER 将允许您执行此操作.

This is because the framebuffer will be written to and read from and the `GL_FRAMEBUFFER, will allow you to do this.


10-28 16:08