


My situation is that I have fixed position div with percented height at the bottom of page that is on top of it(see picture). The issue is that when I scroll page to the end, some of its content is hidden beneath this div. I think I should add empty element at the bottom of page, but what is the best way to do it?


一个不错的解决方案是将固定div的高度更改为用 vh 表示,而不用(请参阅),例如:

A nice solution could be to change the height of the fixed div to be expressed in vh not in % (see), for example:

div.fixed-at-bottom { height: 20vh; .... }

,然后将 margin-bottom 设置为具有相同值(或更多以获取更多空间)的内容div:

and then set a margin-bottom to your contents div with the same value (or a little more to get more space):

div.content { margin-bottom: 22vh; .... }

我创建了一个 jsfiddle 进行演示.

I created a jsfiddle to present that.


07-23 04:39