本文介绍了Vim - 带有可选寄存器前缀的映射的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!
所以我发现在 Vim 中对我来说一个常见的任务是 PUT 到行首或行尾.所以我的映射可能是:
So I've discovered that a common task for me in Vim is to PUT either to the start of the line or the end of the line. So my mapping could be:
nmap <Leader>p $p
nmap <Leader>P 0P
However, what I'd really like to do is optionally include a register before putting.
例如 会将寄存器 a 放在行首.
So for example would put from register a to the beginning of the line.
Is there a way do this with a mapping?
你可以在一行中使用 映射来做到这一点:
You can do this using <expr>
mapping in one line:
nnoremap <expr> \p '$"'.v:register.v:count1.'p'
nnoremap <expr> \P '0"'.v:register.v:count1.'P'
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