

我想举办在Azure WCF服务,但这一实例必须是动态的,所以我想实例化新的服务但需要...

I want to host a wcf service on Azure, but this instantiation must be dynamic, so I want to instantiate new services as needed however...



What's supposed to be the base Uri (Scheme, servername & port) on:

  1. 辅助角色

  2. Web角色

    • 外部端点

    • 内部端点。 (有些服务需要跟对方的背后的负载均衡性能方面的原因,但如何?)

  1. A worker role
  2. A web role
    • External endpoint
    • Internal endpoint. (Some services need to talk to each other behind the load balancer for performance reasons, but how?)


  1. 每个Web角色多个ServiceHost的。

  2. 变端点绑定IE浏览器。我想在HTTP则ServiceHost的,另外的net.tcp如果这样,我需要在部署时的csdef文件中声明这两个协议,或者我可以将其添加为编程需要(亦称后期绑定)?


I am looking for a solution that doesn't involve ServiceBus for $$$ reasons.


该方法是一样的,无论是在Web角色或Worker角色实例,因为他们都基本上是Windows 2008的服务器(只是Web角色有IIS运行,这也消耗了几个端口)。无论你想在你挂WCF服务的端口,只是这些内容定义为输入端点(每个端口一个端点),并且还可以决定哪个角色处理的终点。

The approach would be the same, whether on Web Role or Worker Role instances, since they're both essentially Windows 2008 Server (just that Web Roles have IIS running, which also consumes a few ports). Whichever port you want to hang your wcf services on, just define these as Input Endpoints (one endpoint per port), and also decide which role handles that endpoint.


As long as you have ports available, you can have multiple ServiceHosts. You're currently limited to 25 total Input Endpoints and 25 total Internal Endpoints per deployment, so this is your absolute limit. Of course, if you enable RDP, the available port count drops. Oh: regarding protocols: If you wanted both http and tcp, you'd need to define two endpoints, as the protocol is defined with the Endpoint definition.


Internal Endpoint WCF Services are pretty much identical, but you can do away with security and go with net.tcp for fast transfer. One difference in load-balancing though:

  • 所有角色的实例的WCF服务挂在一个输入端点将负载平衡

  • WCF服务挂在内部端点会的的进行负载平衡。

  • A WCF service hanging on an Input Endpoint will be load-balanced across all of a role's instance
  • A WCF service hanging on an Internal Endpoint will not be load-balanced.

对于后一种情况:假设你的Web角色需要与内部上端点辅助角色的WCF服务。你需要枚举所有的情况下,得到每个IP +端口,然后选择一个随机(或循环,或任何你选择)。下面是从返回给定角色随机端点实例并给予端点名称(code从迈克尔Washam的的):

For the latter case: Let's say your Web Role needs to talk to the Worker Role's WCF service on Internal endpoint. You'd need to enumerate all instances, get the IP+port of each, then select one at random (or round-robin, or whatever method you choose). Here's a sample method that returns a random endpoint instance from a given role and given endpoint name (code borrowed from Michael Washam's blog):

private String GetRandomServiceIP(String roleName, String endPointName)
    var endpoints = RoleEnvironment.Roles[roleName].Instances.Select(i => i.InstanceEndpoints[endPointName]).ToArray();
    var r = new Random(DateTime.Now.Millisecond);
    int ipIndex = r.Next(endpoints.Count());
    return endpoints[ipIndex].IPEndpoint.Address.ToString();

至于建立WCF服务和相关的URI,我强烈建议抓住最新的并通过 Worker角色通信走动手实验室,其进入地段有关设置ServiceHost的细节,既有输入端点和内部端点。

As far as setting up the WCF service and related URI, I'd strongly suggest grabbing the latest Windows Azure Training Kit and walking through the Worker Role Communication hands-on lab, which goes into lots of detail about setting up a ServiceHost, with both Input Endpoints and Internal Endpoints.


10-20 00:04