




在我的代码中,我使用一个函数来创建参考编号,我将它存储在名为$ result的变量。在验证的底部,我使用

  header('Location:submittedApplication.php?result = {$ result}'); 


  echo $ _GET ['result']; 




 <!DOCTYPE html> 
< html>


// ### CUSTOMER DATA ###
$ custName =;
$ custNameError =;


$结果= gen_uid();

$ errors =; //在表单顶部的通用错误列表可以追加到
$ error = 0; //错误提示,如果0 =好。如果1 =错误。

函数gen_uid($ l = 10){
$ prefix =BLANK DATA #;
$ str =;
date_default_timezone_set('America / New_York');
$ date = date(Y.m.d); ($ x = 0; $ x <$ l; $ x ++)
$ str。= substr(str_shuffle(adding),0,1);

echo $前缀。 $ str。 <峰; br /> 中。 生成于:。 $日期; }

echo $ result;

$ custName =;
$ custAddress =;
else if($ _SERVER [REQUEST_METHOD] ==POST){//检查消息中的空值。

$ custName = $ _POST ['customername'];
$ custAddress = $ _POST ['CustomerMailingAddress'];

$ passedResult = $ _POST ['result'];

// ##################################表单验证#####################################
if (!isset($ custName)|| $ custName ==)

$ custNameError =需要的名字;
$ errors。=需要客户联系信息,承包商可选。< br />;
$ custName =;
$ error = 1;
else {
$ custName = $ _POST ['customername'];

if($ error == 0)
echo< input type ='hidden'name ='result'value ='{$结果}/>中;

$ cvsData = $ custName。 ,。 $ custAddress。 ,。 $ custPhone。 ,。 $ custMobile。 ,。 $ custFax。 ,。 $ custEmail。 ,。 $ conName。 ,。 $ conAddress。 ,。
$ custPhone。 ,。 $ conPhone。 ,。 $ custMobile。 ,。 $ conMobile。 ,。 $ custEmail。 ,。 $ conEmail。 ,。 $ accNum。\\\

$ fp = fopen(formTest.csv,a); // $ fp现在是指向文件$ filename

的文件指针if($ fp){
fwrite($ fp,$ cvsData); //将信息写入文件
fclose($ fp); //关闭文件
header('Location:submittedApplication.php?result = {$ result}');

< body>
< h2 align =center>< u>< u> Service Request Application Form< / u>< / h2>
< hr>

< h4>注意:< / h4>

< div id =wrapper>
< br />
< h3 class =error><?php echo $ errors; ?>< / H3>
< form method =postalign =centername =applicationformid =applicationformaction =<?php echo htmlspecialchars($ _ SERVER [PHP_SELF]);?> ENCTYPE = 多部分/格式数据 >

< fieldset style =border:1px black solidalign =center>
< legend style =font-weight:bold>< u>联络资讯< / u>< / legend>
< table>
< tr>
< th>< / th>
< th>< u>客户< / u>< / th>
< th title =电工>< u>< u>顾问/承包商< / u>< / th>
< / tr>
< tr>
< td>
< tr>
< td align =rightid =namelabel>联络人名称:< / td>
< td>< input type =textid =customernamename =customernamevalue =<?php echo $ custName;?> title =账户联系人姓名/>< / td>
< td>< input type =textid =contractornamename =contractornametitle =承包商或顾问的名称/>< / td>
< / tr>

< tr>
< td>< / td>
< td>< div class =error><?php echo $ custNameError;?>< / div>< / td>
< td>< / td>
< / tr>

< / td>

< / tr>
< / table>
< / table>
< / form>
< / div>
< / body>
< / html>


 <!DOCTYPE html> 
< html>
< body>
< h2 align =center>< u>< u> Service Request Application Form< / u>< / h2>
< hr>

< h4>注意:< / h4>
< hr>

< div align =center>< h3>申请成功提交!< / h3> < / DIV>

echo $ _GET ['result'];
< / body>
< / html>





$ SESSION _ [result] = $ result;


if(isset($ SESSION _ [result]){
$ result = $ SESSION _ [result];


I've read through a number of similar questions, so I know this has been answered before, but now my question is why isn't what I'm doing working?

I'm new to web development, developing a web form that passes the submitted data to a CSV file. What I currently do, is after all form validation is done on the form page "form.php", it sends the user to another page "submittedApplication.php", and in the same statement goes all of my code to push the data into a CSV.

What I NEED, is to pass one particular variable from "form.php", over to "submittedApplication.php". It's a reference number that I have a random generator for, on form.php.

In my code I use a function to create the reference number, I store it in a variable called $result. In the bottom of the validation I use

header('Location: submittedApplication.php?result={$result}');

to try and pass it over, and then in the second page I use

echo $_GET['result'];

to try and grab the variable.

If you spot it in my code, I've also tried the hidden input method, to no avail as well.

Here is my form.php main page

    <!DOCTYPE html>

    //Define variables and set to empty values

    //###CUSTOMER DATA###
    $custName= "";
    $custNameError = "";

    //Reference Number

    $result = gen_uid();

    //Error holders
    $errors = ""; //Generic Error list at top of form, can be appended to
    $error = 0;   //Error Tally, If 0 = good. If 1 = error.

    //Generates a 10 character random string with a prefix and current date attached
    function gen_uid($l=10){
        $prefix = "BLANK DATA#";
        $str = "";
        $date = date("Y.m.d");

        for ($x=0;$x<$l;$x++)
        $str .= substr(str_shuffle("0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"), 0, 1);
        echo $prefix . $str . "<br/>" . "Generated On: " . $date; }

    //for testing
    echo $result;

    if($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "GET"){
        $custName = "";
        $custAddress = "";
    else if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST") { // Checking null values in message.

     $custName = $_POST['customername'];
     $custAddress = $_POST['CustomerMailingAddress'];

     $passedResult = $_POST['result'];

    //################################## Form Validation #####################################
        if(!isset($custName) || $custName == "")

            $custNameError = "Name required";
            $errors .= "Customer contact information required, Contractor optional.<br/>";
            $custName = "";
            $error = 1;
            $custName = $_POST['customername'];

        if($error == 0)
             echo "<input type='hidden' name='result' value='{$result}'/>";

             //this is where the creating of the csv takes place
             $cvsData = $custName . "," . $custAddress . "," . $custPhone . "," . $custMobile . "," . $custFax . "," . $custEmail . "," . $conName . "," . $conAddress . "," .
             $custPhone . "," . $conPhone . "," . $custMobile . "," . $conMobile . "," . $custEmail . "," . $conEmail . "," . $accNum ."\n";

             $fp = fopen("formTest.csv","a"); // $fp is now the file pointer to file $filename

             fwrite($fp,$cvsData); // Write information to the file
             fclose($fp); // Close the file
        header('Location: submittedApplication.php?result={$result}');

            <h2 align="center"><u>Service Request Application Form</u></h2>


            <div id="wrapper">
    <h3 class="error"><?php echo $errors; ?></h3>
            <form method="post" align="center" name="applicationform" id="applicationform" action="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]);?>" enctype="multipart/form-data">

                <!--###################################### CONTACT INFORMATION FIELDSET ######################################-->
                <fieldset  style="border: 1px black solid" align="center">
                    <legend style="font-weight:bold"><u>Contact Information</u></legend>
                    <th title="Electrician"><u>Consultant/Contractor</u></th>
                                <td align="right" id="namelabel">Contact Name:</td>
                                <td><input type="text" id="customername" name="customername" value="<?php echo $custName;?>" title="Name of contact on account"/></td>
                                <td><input type="text" id="contractorname" name="contractorname" title="Name of contractor or consultant" /></td>

                            <td><div class="error"><?php echo $custNameError;?></div></td>



And here is my second page submittedApplication.php

    <!DOCTYPE html>
            <h2 align="center"><u>Service Request Application Form</u></h2>


        <div align="center"><h3>Application Submitted Successfully!</h3> </div>

                echo $_GET['result'];

Any and all tips are appreciated!


The way I would normally tackle passing values between pages is to use session variables.

You can do this in your form.php page

session_start(); $SESSION_["result"] = $result;

Then do the following in your other page

if(isset($SESSION_["result"]) {
    $result = $SESSION_["result"];

Just make sure you destroy or unset any session variables when you're done with them.


09-05 20:51