


In a Rails and Ember project, I decided to use EmberCLI Rails because I want to do integration tests with Capybara and all my favorite testing gems.


I installed it and it works when I go to the home page.


I added routes on ember like this :

  import Ember from 'ember'
  import config from './config/environment'

  Router = Ember.Router.extend(location: config.locationType)
  Router.map ->
    @resource 'users'

  export default Router

当我去 http:// localhost:3000 / users ,我有一个没有路由匹配的错误。我明白为什么会发生这种情况,Rails没有加载余烬的路线。有没有办法解决这个问题,或者EmberCli-Rails现在是不可能的吗?

When I go on http://localhost:3000/users, I have a no route matches error. I understand why this is happening, Rails does not load routes of embers. Is there a solution to do it or is it just impossible with EmberCli-Rails for now?


您的Rails应用需要一个通配符路由,所以它知道通过您的Ember应用程序控制器处理这些请求。您可以尝试在 routes.rb中添加路线

Your Rails app needs a wildcard route so it knows to handle those requests through your Ember app controller. Can you try adding a route in routes.rb:

get '/:all', to: "ember#index"

替换 ember#索引,无论您设置为Ember应用程序的控制器和操作。

substituting ember#index with whatever you have set up as the controller and action for your Ember app.


09-05 19:04