我工作的一个项目,需要我建立一个报告,该报告以HTML(的.aspx)输出为PDF。是否有解决方案可用,让我一个.aspx页面的输出馈送到PDF生成工具? HTML和CSS的全力支持将是理想的。
A project I am working on requires me to build a report that is output in both HTML (.aspx) and as a PDF. Is there a solution available that allows me to feed the output of an .aspx page to a PDF generation utility? Full support of HTML and CSS would be ideal.
wkhtmltopdf will do it.... USAGE:
wkhtmltopdf http://www.google.com google.pdf
That is it. You can go to any web page... even aspx. css is supported better than any other utility as it uses the webkit html rendering engine (Safari, Chrome). Enjoy
有是可以从净简单地通过使用的Process.Start使用单个.exe(7 mb)个
There is a single .exe (7 mb) that can be used from .Net simply by using Process.StartMake sure that you copy the exe into your project directory or you have to specify the full path.ex:
static void HtmlToPdf(string website,string destinationFile)
ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo();
startInfo.FileName = "wkhtmltopdf.exe";
startInfo.Arguments = website+" "+destinationFile;
我认为SSL支持,但我不认为2路SSL将在时刻工作。这是手下来最好的单,止损HTML - > PDF工具,我已经看到了
I think SSL is supported but I do not think that 2-way SSL would work at the moment. It is hands down the best single stop HTML -> PDF tool I have seen.