对于我的游戏,我需要在两个坐标系之间进行转换的函数.好吧,这主要是数学问题,但我需要的是C ++代码来完成此工作,并提供一些有关如何解决我的问题的解释.
For my game I need functions to translate between two coordinate systems. Well it's mainly math question but what I need is the C++ code to do it and a bit of explanation how to solve my issue.
a) top left corner is 0,0
c)右边+ = x(x值越大,右边的点越多)
c) right += x (the more is x value, the more on the right is point)
d)底部+ = y
d) bottom +=y
a) middle point is (0, 0)
c)右+ = x
d)底部-= y(y越小,底部的点越多)
d) bottom -= y (the less is y, the more at the bottom is point)
I need an easy way to translate from one system to another and vice versa. To do that, (I think) I need some knowledge like where is the (0, 0) [top left corner in screen coordinates] placed in the cartesian coordinates.
但是,存在一个问题,即在将笛卡尔坐标中的某个点转换为屏幕坐标之后,屏幕坐标中的位置可能为负,这是无稽之谈.我不能将屏幕坐标的左上角放在(-inifity,+ infinity)笛卡尔坐标中...
However there is a problem that for some point in cartesian coordinates after translating it to screen ones, the position in screen coordinates may be minus, which is a nonsense. I cant put top left corner of screen coordinates in (-inifity, +infinity) cartesian coords...
How can I solve this? The only solution I can think of is to place screen (0, 0) in cartesian (0, 0) and only use IV quarter of cartesian system, but in that case using cartesian system is pointless...
I'm sure there are ways for translating screen coordinates into cartesian coordinates and vice versa, but I'm doing something wrong in my thinking with that minus values.
The basic algorithm to translate from cartesian coordinates to screen coordinates are
screenX = cartX + screen_width/2
screenY = screen_height/2 - cartY
But as you mentioned, cartesian space is infinite, and your screen space is not. This can be solved easily by changing the resolution between screen space and cartesian space. The above algorithm makes 1 unit in cartesian space = 1 unit/pixel in screen space. If you allow for other ratios, you can "zoom" out or in your screen space to cover all of the cartesian space necessary.
screenX = zoom_factor*cartX + screen_width/2
screenY = screen_height/2 - zoom_factor*cartY
Now you handle negative (or overly large) screenX and screenY by modifying your zoom factor until all your cartesian coordinates will fit on the screen.
You could also allow for panning of the coordinate space too, meaning, allowing the center of cartesian space to be off-center of the screen. This could also help in allowing your zoom_factor to stay as tight as possible but also fit data which isn't evenly distributed around the origin of cartesian space.
screenX = zoom_factor*cartX + screen_width/2 + offsetX
screenY = screen_height/2 - zoom_factor*cartY + offsetY