

我正在构建自己的作品集,并使用HTML / CSS和Javascript创建了一个简单的etch-a-sketch项目。我正在尝试在Heroku上托管网站,但出现此错误:

I'm building my portfolio and made simple etch-a-sketch project with HTML/CSS and Javascript. I'm trying to host the site on Heroku but i'm getting this error:

remote:  !     No default language could be detected for this app.
remote:             HINT: This occurs when Heroku cannot detect the buildpack to use for this application automatically.
remote:             See https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/buildpacks


This is basically a static site, I don't really need a buildpack, is there any way I can still push what I have to Heroku?


Heroku通常用于部署应用程序,而不是静态站点。我发现使用GitHub页面可轻松进行静态网站托管。如果您的项目已经在GitHub上,请转到存储库的设置选项卡,滚动到GitHub页面部分,然后选择要部署的存储库的哪个分支。 **编辑-只要确保您的首页html文件的标题为index.html

Heroku is normally used for deploying apps, not static sites. I find using GitHub pages to be much easier for static site hosting. If your project is already on GitHub just go to the settings tab of your repo, scroll to the GitHub pages section, and select which branch of your repo you want to deploy. **edit - Just make sure your home html file is titled index.html


But if you do need to use Heroku for whatever reason, here is a guide on how to do so. It shows how to create the composer.json and index.php needed for a static site.


09-05 00:07