

我需要将CMYK图像( java.awt.BufferedImage )添加到带有iText的Pdf文档中。

I need to add a CMYK Image (java.awt.BufferedImage) to a Pdf-Document with iText.


com.lowagie.text.Image img = Image.getInstance(BufferedImage, bgColor);

这会在生成的PDF中生成RGB图像。 (我想这是一个错误,因为它只是忽略 ColorModel )。但是我可以使用:

This produces an RGB image in the resulting PDF. (and I suppose it's a bug, because it just ignores ColorModel). However I could use:

com.lowagie.text.Image img = Image.getInstance(byte[] rawData);

并以PDF格式生成正确的CMYK-Image。但是对于第二种情况,我需要在 ByteArray 中转换 java.awt.BufferedImage 。我不能用 ImageIO.write(ByteArrayOutputStream)来做。我也不能用 com.sun.image.codec.jpeg.JPEGImageEncoder 来做,因为我必须使用 OpenJDK

And it produces a correct CMYK-Image in PDF. But for the second case I need to convert java.awt.BufferedImage in ByteArray. I cannot do it with ImageIO.write(ByteArrayOutputStream). I also cannot do it with com.sun.image.codec.jpeg.JPEGImageEncoder because I must use OpenJDK.


Any ideas how can I achieve the correct behavior to write a CMYK image in PDF using iText?


所以基本上你要问的是如何将 BufferedImage 转换为 byte [] 打印到PDF?

So basically what you're asking is how to convert a BufferedImage to a byte[] to print to PDF?

BufferedImage img; // your image to be printed
String formatName; // name of the image format (see ImageIO docs)
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
ImageIO.write( img, formatName, baos);
byte[] rawData = baos.toByteArray();


You should be able to use that for the CMYK-image as you had in your original post:

com.lowagie.text.Image img = Image.getInstance(byte[] rawData);


08-20 09:50