


This is my first time creating a game via a tutorial which I've coded along with so I am a completely new at this but I am eager to learn.

我拥有这款游戏"Bunny Defender",并希望创建一个简单的高分",我可以使用XML将其存储在某种本地存储中,并在游戏结束时在屏幕上显示高分结果.

I've this game "Bunny Defender" and want to create a simple High Score which I can store in some kind of localstorage with XML and display the high score result out on the screen when the game is over. 


I don't know how to do this and where to start. Would be very thankful if someone could point me at the right direction and how to manage this?

//github上的所有游戏文件 https://github.com/eiffelqiu/bunny-defender

// All the game files on githubhttps://github.com/eiffelqiu/bunny-defender



Why would you need XML? Stuff is stored inside localStorage as key-value pairs, so in the general case this would be enough to set it:

var highScore = 100; // you would've set this earlier, of course
localStorage.setItem("bunnyDefenderHighScore", highScore); // game-specific key in case you later run another game on the same domain


... and this - to retrieve it:

var highScoreToDisplay = 0;
if (localStorage.getItem("bunnyDefenderHighScore") !== null) {
    highScoreToDisplay = parseInt(localStorage.getItem("bunnyDefenderHighScore"));


Then, whenever you want to display it, do

var gameOverText = this.game.add.text(100, 100, highScoreToDisplay.toString(), {font: "20pt Arial", fill: "#FFFFFF"});


08-20 09:27