I am trying to run a function 5 minutes before a session times out. My session timeout is set to 7,200 in my config file. Is it possible to do this with CodeIgniter?
I think you're looking for something like this:
$lastActivity = $this->session->userdata('last_activity');
$timeOut = time() - 7200 + 300; // now minus the the session
// timeout plus 5 minutes
if ($lastActivity <= $timeOut)
/* This runs on or after the "5 minutes before mark", but won't run if the
session has expired. After the session times out, based on the
$config['sess_expiration'] var, it's destroyed, as pointed out by
coolgeek. */
// ... Do some stuff
您可能希望在一个挂钩中运行它( ),以便它在运行控制器之前或之后的每次页面加载时运行,具体取决于您要执行的操作。
You would probably want to run this inside of a hook (see the hook docs here) so that it runs on every page load before or after controllers are run, depending on what you're trying to do.