

我已经实现了一个使用无线(点对点)网络,以交换信息的是Android 1.6的移动路由协议。现在我想,以评估它在看的能源消耗点,基本是尝试计算浪费发送一个数据包的能量,做任何人有任何想法如何做到这一点?软件/硬件解决方案,欢迎!感谢名单:)

I have implemented a routing protocol on an Android 1.6 mobile that uses wireless (ad-hoc) network in order to exchange messages. Now I would like to evaluate it under an energy consumption point of view, the base would be to try to calculate the energy wasted to transmit a single packet, do anybody has any idea how to do that? Software/hardware solutions are welcome! Thanx :)



I don't believe that any application will give you any form of meaningful result. You really need to be looking at a hardware solution, and it will likely need to be home-brew.


The set-up I have used for power measurement on mobiles consists of the following:

  • 稳压电源:这应该是能够提供至少为3安培
  • 在抽样电流表。你可能会需要设计自己这一点,使用一个较小的值precision电阻和ADC测量在电阻上的压降(这将给你当前的)
  • 在该ADC可以是一个专用的采集卡 - 这些都是很容易从像RS的来源,根据您的位置。它可能希望有大约1kHz的采样率用于该应用程序。
  • 软件从ADC捕获数据。 NI公司的LabVIEW是最常用于这类应用。最体面的采集卡具有LabView的支持,虽然你可以使用任何你喜欢的。他们几乎都Ç的API以及
  • 甲虚设电池,使该结构连接到电话。要做到这一点最简单的方法通常是对垃圾真正的电池(小心,如​​果它的锂离子电池!)。


When you are designing the system, remember that the voltage drop across a small value resistor for a 6 or 9 volt supply will be very small, so your ADC needs to be pretty sensitive for you to get meaningful results.


Once you have all of this, you'll be able to observe device current over time. You will find that this varies far more than you may expect. The phone will be turning on and off all sorts of circuitry all of the time. In particular, you will see fairly large power peaks when the cellular network is being accessed.


After a bit of investigation, you'll be able to see when the WiFi is powered up, and the transmit bursts in particular.



08-04 04:28