本文介绍了Python 脚本没有在 cron 下运行,尽管在手动运行时可以工作的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我知道有很多关于此的问题,但我已经尝试了一段时间但没有成功.我有一个简单的 python 测试脚本,它创建一个带有时间戳名称的文件夹.当我手动运行它时它工作得很好,但是当我尝试将它放入 crontab 时没有任何反应.知道我在这里搞砸了吗?这是脚本:(位于/home/ec2-user/cronscripts)

I know there have been plenty of questions about this, but I've been trying things for a while with no luck. I have a simple python testscript that creates a folder with a timestamped name. It works perfectly when I run it manually, but nothing happens when I try to put it into crontab. Any idea where I'm messing up here? Here's the script: (located in /home/ec2-user/cronscripts)

from subprocess import call
from time import time
import math

call(["mkdir","derp" +str(math.floor(time()))])

和 crontab -l 产生输出

and crontab -l produces the output

* * * * * python /home/ec2-user/cronscripts/testscript.py

我也试过将root"放入命令中,但没有骰子.我还尝试了一些在脚本文件中显式设置 PATH 变量的方法.

I've tried putting 'root' into the command as well, but no dice. I've also tried some to mess around with explicitly setting the PATH variable in the script file.

From root@domU-12-31-38-00-AC-02.compute-1.internal  Wed Jun 15 19:57:01 2011
Return-Path: <root@domU-12-31-38-00-AC-02.compute-1.internal>
Received: from domU-12-31-38-00-AC-02.compute-1.internal (localhost [])
        by domU-12-31-38-00-AC-02.compute-1.internal (8.14.4/8.14.4) with ESMTP id p5FJv1aS006094
        for <root@domU-12-31-38-00-AC-02.compute-1.internal>; Wed, 15 Jun 2011 19:57:01 GMT
Received: (from root@localhost)
        by domU-12-31-38-00-AC-02.compute-1.internal (8.14.4/8.14.4/Submit) id p5FJv1Dc006093;
        Wed, 15 Jun 2011 19:57:01 GMT
Date: Wed, 15 Jun 2011 19:57:01 GMT
Message-Id: <201106151957.p5FJv1Dc006093@domU-12-31-38-00-AC-02.compute-1.internal>
From: root@domU-12-31-38-00-AC-02.compute-1.internal (Cron Daemon)
To: root@domU-12-31-38-00-AC-02.compute-1.internal
Subject: Cron <root@domU-12-31-38-00-AC-02> usr/bin/python /home/ec2-user/cronscripts/testscript.py
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Auto-Submitted: auto-generated
X-Cron-Env: <SHELL=/bin/sh>
X-Cron-Env: <HOME=/root>
X-Cron-Env: <PATH=/usr/bin:/bin>
X-Cron-Env: <LOGNAME=root>
X-Cron-Env: <USER=root>

/bin/sh: usr/bin/python: No such file or directory

这是我在根邮件中找到的最后一个条目.它似乎无法找到 python,即使它正是所说的位置.当我打印 crontab -l 时,usr/bin/python 确实有一个前导斜杠.我需要在某处更改 cron 路径吗?

This was the last entry I found in the root mail. It seems to not be able to find python, even though it's exactly where that say it is. And when I print crontab -l, usr/bin/python does have a leading slash. Do I need to change a cron path somewhere?


对 crontab 中的所有命令使用完全限定的路径.

Use fully qualified path for all commands in crontab.

0 */2 * * * /full/path/to/python /home/ec2-user/cronscripts/testscript.py

此外,所有字段都是 *?你预计什么时候运行?上面的例子会每隔一个小时运行一次.

Also, all fields are *? When do you expect this to be run? The above example would run every other hr.

这篇关于Python 脚本没有在 cron 下运行,尽管在手动运行时可以工作的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-03 23:55