


I have a fairly standard OLTP normalised database and I have realised that I need to do some complex queries, averages, standard deviations across different dimensions in the data.


So I have turned to SSAS and the creation of OLAP cubes.

但是,为了创建多维数据集,我相信我的数据源结构需要是一个星或 '配置(我不认为现在是这样)。

However to create the cubes I believe my data source structure needs to be in a 'star' or 'snowflake' configuration (which I don't think it is right now).


Is the normal procedure to use SSIS to do some sort of ETL process on my primary OLTP DB into another relational DB that is in the proper 'star' configuration with facts and dimensions, and then use this DB as the datasource for the OLAP cubes?


是的,这是基本的想法。您将取得高度标准化的OLTP数据库,并将其反标准化为多维数据集,以便对数据进行切片和切片,然后对其进行报告。逻辑设计技术被称为维度建模。有关的大量信息,请访问。 Ralph Kimball的也很好。如果您想要详细了解BI工具本身,请查看在SSIS,分析服务等。

Yes, that is the basic idea. You take your highly normalized OLTP database and de-normalize it into cubes for the purpose of slicing and dicing the data and then presenting reports on it. The logical design technique is called dimensional modeling. There is a ton of great information about dimensional modeling over at the Kimball Group. Ralph Kimball's books on the subject are also excellent. If you want to learn more about the BI tools themselves, check out the virtual labs on SSIS, analysis services and more.


08-03 22:08