


In wso2, VFS running default 5 minutes. I think this is bad for performance. I want VFS running when server is not busy. For example, maybe at 02:00 no body request, then VFS can work. I tried add scheduled task, but it no use. Anyone can tell me how to do this? Thank you very much.


我认为您的问题与和问题.似乎您想在一天的特定时间(计划为非高峰时间)或通过Web服务进行VFS轮询.但是不幸的是,由于VFS传输的实现方式,我认为不可能将CRON表达式或服务调用插入VFS.无论如何,您可以在 WSO2 JIRA

I think your question is related to WSO2 How to set scheduled task? and https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10537190/how-to-vfs-service-exposed-as-a-web-service questions. Seems you want to do the VFS polling on a particular time of the day (scheduled to a non-peak time) or via a web service. But unfortunately I don't think it's possible to plug a CRON expression or a service call to VFS, because of how VFS transport has been implemented. Anyway you can suggest this as a feature request at WSO2 JIRA


07-29 23:29