

任何人都可以告诉我,如何从cakePHP(使用cakePHP mvc架构)的多个表中检索联接的结果。例如,我有三个表要加入(tbl_topics,tbl_items,tbl_votes。他们的关系定义如下:一个主题可以有很多项目,一个项目可以有很多投票现在我想检索一个主题列表,所有投票对每个主题的所有项目。对此的SQL查询如下:

can anyone tell me, how to retrieve joined result from multiple tables in cakePHP ( using cakePHP mvc architecture). For example, I have three tables to join (tbl_topics, tbl_items, tbl_votes. Their relationship is defined as following: a topic can have many items and an item can have many votes. Now I want to retrieve a list of topics with the count of all votes on all items for each topic. The SQL query for this is written below:

SELECT Topic.*, count(Vote.id) voteCount
tbl_topics AS Topic
LEFT OUTER JOIN tbl_items AS Item
ON (Topic.id = Item.topic_id)
LEFT OUTER JOIN tbl_votes AS Vote
ON (Item.id = Vote.item_id);

我的问题是它很容易使用 $ this->< Model Name> - > query 函数,但这需要sql代码写入我不想要的控制器。我试图找出任何其他方式做这个(如 find())。

My problem is I can do it easily using $this-><Model Name>->query function, but this requires sql code to be written in the controller which I don't want. I'm trying to find out any other way to do this (like find()).


$markers = $this->Marker->find('all', array('joins' => array(
        'table' => 'markers_tags',
        'alias' => 'MarkersTag',
        'type' => 'inner',
        'foreignKey' => false,
        'conditions'=> array('MarkersTag.marker_id = Marker.id')
        'table' => 'tags',
        'alias' => 'Tag',
        'type' => 'inner',
        'foreignKey' => false,
        'conditions'=> array(
            'Tag.id = MarkersTag.tag_id',
            'Tag.tag' => explode(' ', $this->params['url']['q'])


07-29 15:43