

我使用的角度和fullcalendar。我有(惊讶)时区 - 的问题,我似乎无法得到它的权利。

I'm using angular and fullcalendar. I have (surprise) timezone-issues, and I can't seem to get it right.


If in the weekview I click on 08.00 hours, I open a modal and show the time, I see 09.00 hours.

timezone: "Europe/Brussels",
ignoreTimezone: false,


This is (atm) a +0100 timezone, and during summer a +0200 timezone


dayClick: function (date, jsEvent, view) {

    $scope.newEventDate = date;

    var modalInstance = $modal.open({
        templateUrl: 'newRosterEvent',
        controller: 'NewEventModalController',
        backdrop: "true",
        resolve: {
            event: function () {
                       return $scope.newEventDate;
            stage: function () {
                       return $scope.stage;


stagewebApp.controller('NewEventModalController', ["$scope", "$modalInstance","$filter", "event", "stage", function ($scope, $modalInstance, $filter,event, stage) {

    $scope.stage = stage;

    $scope.day = new Date($filter('date')(event._d, "yyyy-MM-dd"));

    $scope.start = event.toDate();

    ....more code....

在这种情况下,$ scope.start显示单击的时间+1

In this case $scope.start displays the clicked time +1


So it seems that fullcalendar takes the time I clicked and converts it to the timezone selected, but I would expect it to interpret the clicked time as being in the timezone I selected.

显然我解决这个问题,那么什么是做到这一点的正确方法? ( $ scope.start 应该显示我点击($ P在我的时区pferably $)的时间)。后来我将它发送到它被存储为UTC服务器。

Apparently I am tackling this wrong, so what is the correct way to do this? ( $scope.start should show the time I clicked (preferably in my timezone)). Afterwards I send it to the server where it is stored as UTC.


FullCalendar的当前版本使用 。你所描述的问题是由不正确使用时刻对象。具体做法是:

The current version of FullCalendar uses moment.js extensively. The problems you are describing are from improper use of moment objects. Specifically:

$scope.start = event.toDate();

当你调用 TODATE ,你会得到一个常规的JavaScript 日期对象 - 这将是基于相同的UTC瞬间,但会的总是的承担,其中code运行时区的行为。您有几种选择:

When you call toDate, you get back a regular JavaScript Date object - which will be based on the same UTC instant, but will always take on the behavior of the time zone where the code is running. You have a few options:

  • 您可以把它作为一个时刻对象:

$scope.start = event;

  • 您可以将其格式化到保留的时区偏移的ISO字符串:

  • You can format it to an ISO string that retains the time zone offset:

    $scope.start = event.format(); // ex: '2015-03-04T08:00:00+01:00'

  • 无论使用哪种方法,你需要使用 $ scope.start 期望是<$ C $的的使用的坚持到底C>时刻或字符串,而不是一个日期

    With either option, you'll need to follow through with the usage of $scope.start to expect either a moment or a string, rather than a Date.


    $scope.day = new Date($filter('date')(event._d, "yyyy-MM-dd"));

    您永远不应该直接访问 _D 属性,可以有意想不到的副作用。考虑下划线的意思是内部。此外,您不需要这里角的日期过滤器,因为此刻的对象具有格式化功能。相反,只是这样做:

    You should never access the _d property directly, as there can be unintended side-effects. Consider the underscore to mean "internal". Also, you don't need Angular's date filter here since moment objects have formatting capabilities. Instead, just do this:

    $scope.day = event.format("YYYY-MM-DD");


    07-29 11:59