是否可以使用 BigQuery 在一个查询中执行以下数据透视,还是需要将其分解为多个查询?
Is it possible to do the following pivot in one query using BigQuery, or would I need to break it up into multiple queries?
有没有办法在 BigQuery 中构建任意嵌套的数据透视表?还是每个级别都需要自己的 SQL 查询?
Is there a way to construct an arbitrarily-nested Pivot Table in BigQuery? Or does each level need its own SQL Query?
注意,在上面,对 6 个列组合(CA-M、CA-F、FR-M、FR-F、US-M、US-F),但为了一般情况,我们假设可能有数百个国家/地区,因此手动将每个组合编写为不同的 CASE
Note, in the above, it would be simple to do a CASE WHEN
statement for each of the 6 column combinations (CA-M, CA-F, FR-M, FR-F, US-M, US-F), but for the sake of the general case, let's suppose there may be hundreds of countries so it's not practical to manually write in each combination as a different CASE
Below is most optimal in my mind option
第 1 步 - 根据您的数据准备查询
Step 1 - prepare query based on your data
WITH country_sex_list AS (
SELECT Country, Sex
FROM yourTable
GROUP BY Country, Sex
permutations AS (
STRING_AGG(CONCAT("SUM(CASE WHEN (Country, Sex) = ('", Country, "', '", Sex, "') THEN Income END) AS ", Country, "_", Sex), ',' ORDER BY Country, Sex) AS text
FROM country_sex_list
"SELECT company, ", text, ", SUM(Income) AS Total FROM yourTable GROUP BY Company UNION ALL ",
"SELECT 'Total' as company, ", text, ", SUM(Income) AS Total FROM yourTable"
) AS query
FROM permutations
第 2 步 - 获取第 1 步结果的文本并将其作为查询运行.
Step 2 - take text of result of Step 1 and run it as a query.
Result will be as you expect (see example below)
company CA_M FR_F FR_M US_F US_M Total
Acme null 40,000 null null 40,000 80,000
Bravo 50,000 null null 30,000 null 80,000
Delta null null 40,000 null null 40,000
Total 50,000 40,000 40,000 30,000 40,000 200,000
I think these two steps are generic enough to extend to real use-case
当然,您可以在 Web UI 中手动运行这两个步骤,也可以在 客户 您选择的
Of course, You can run those two steps manually in Web UI or you can script them in client of your choice
Below is dummy data to test with
WITH yourTable AS (
SELECT 'M' AS Sex, 'US' AS Country, 40000 AS Income, 'Acme' AS Company UNION ALL
SELECT 'M', 'CA', 50000, 'Bravo' UNION ALL
SELECT 'F', 'US', 30000, 'Bravo' UNION ALL
SELECT 'F', 'FR', 40000, 'Acme' UNION ALL
SELECT 'M', 'FR', 40000, 'Delta'
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